Thursday 19 March 2015

Is therapy worth the cost? 'At its best, it's paying for a friend'

John, a 27-year-old New Yorker, started going to therapy after a painful heartbreak and says he found it ‘vital’ to working through his feelings

This is one of seven interviews with young professionals about their experiences with therapy and its costs. Read the rest here.

In 2007, a breakup left John reeling.

Related: The price of mental health: ‘therapy is not a magic wand’

I started because I was working through my feelings of abandonment and hopelessness, and then my father died two years later and that sort of became a whole other chaotic catastrophe.

“I was in a play once where somebody described therapy as paying someone to be your friend and I think that that’s true. I think it is to some extent paying someone to be your friend at its best. But it’s a friend that will never tell anyone anything and it’s a friend that gives better advice than your other 26- [or] 27-year-old friends do.”

Related: The price of mental health: 'I'd rather be sad'

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