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Tuesday, 31 March 2015
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FTA suggests new restrictions required to stop excessive tolling
The FTA has posited that the level of tolls for goods vehicles should be restricted as levels have risen too high, and are thus affecting how road users travel- not using certain areas of the road network.
This comes as Spaghetti Junction hits its 40th anniversary and, alongside the M6, is still the main transport route for many goods vehicles although it had been envisaged that the M6 Toll road would take some of the pressure away from this area. Tolls are said to be of a level which drivers deem too high and therefore avoid.
Perhaps the upshot of this statement could lead to reform in regard to tolling. Let us know what you think – are the road tolls to high in your opinion?
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Guam to get first resort in over 15 years
2015-03-12 Guam to get first resort in over 15 years The first new resort in Guam since 1999 is set to be launched by Dusit International, according to Breaking Travel News. Taking place this April, Dusit Thani Guam's soft opening will see 419 deluxe rooms available for booking, each boasting sensat
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Friday, 27 March 2015
Tips On How To Limit The Losses On Your Van With A Van Insurance Cover
The main essence of a vehicle insurance policies are to protect against any kind of unforeseen disasters or incidents such as theft, accidents or fire. As a result, if perhaps your motor vehicle gets involved in an accident and gets damaged, your van policy protects it and it’s going to be repaired back to it’s original state. Realistically, car insurance policy is a massive relief for both vans and other automobile owners. Some individuals have this perception that van insurance is pretty expensive and therefore get frightened insuring their vehicles therefore breaking the law. Presently, getting cheap van insurance deal can be extremely very easy if you follow a few guidelines. –
A few of the criteria needed for securing a cheap van insurance are: ensuring that you have not claimed from your previous policy for up to 5 years or more; making sure that your van is always packed in a secured garage at night. It is a common belief that only commercial vans needs to be insured but this is not the case rather non-commercial van insurance is important for everyone who drives a van whether for commercial purpose or non commercial purpose.
Extra insurance coverage could be needed for those that use their vans consistently on a daily basis. For individuals and small corporations, vehicles are one of the easiest choice for the moving of products as well as services. Vans have become very depended upon by people and corporations nowadays. In the event that these vans get damaged, then it adversely affects the whole business entirely as movement of goods and services are restricted. In such an ideal situation, that’s where van insurance policy comes in, they would reimburse expenses and losses derived as a result of the damages in addition to getting the vehicle back on the road.
So that the policy holder can be rest assured of not suffering further financial consequences. Before obtaining your van insurance quotes online, always ensure you determine the appropriate cover that meets your requirements and suitability. Whether comprehensive, third party fire and theft or just third party only, paying for a cover you don’t really need would end up costing you more money. Basically, if your premium is less than 10 times your six months comprehensive insurance then you might not need to take out the policy because your van might not be worth taking out the comprehensive cover on.
Some individuals feel they can select a different cover in order to have a cheaper premium but use their vans for a purpose contrary to the purpose they have stated with their insurers, These is very unwise as such acts can invalidate one’s policy. Van insurance brings with it considerable amount of benefits and rest of mind as well against any future eventualities. To help business owners and sole proprietors carry on with their businesses when their vehicle is off road due to an accident, most insurance companies always provide courtesy vehicles for their policy holders.
Business owners most especially benefit from this huge benefit especially those that cannot do without their vans on a daily basis. The insurance of vans includes two major covers that includes comprehensive cover and third party fire and theft. Collision or third party fire and theft entails cover for third party vehicles that are involved with yours in an accident and also covers your vehicles against fire and theft. This coverage is offered mainly for collision with other third party vehicles in an event of any collision whatsoever.
However, in the event of any natural disasters like flood, hail, thunder storms earth quakes and so on then comprehensive cover is the most ideal policy to undertake for your vehicle. A lot of superb advice exists that can help lower the amount of insurance premium billed by insurance firms.
Below are a number of ways to obtain a cheap van insurance-
(I) if you are a good driver, then you can increase your deductible amount and also avoiding any claims in order to lower down your premium.
(II) Installing car alarms and immobilisers do prevent car theft and burglary to a certain extent that the insurance companies are willing to credit you for installing them on your vehicle. Security systems are very effective for deterring break ins and theft and insurance companies give discounts by reducing premiums on vehicles that have installed security systems.
(III) Another great way of acquiring cheap van insurance is by just doing your research other van insurance websites to obtain the cheapest quotes for your needs. Comparing various insurance quotes would help you unveil numerous quotes you never knew existed before.
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New tyre labelling regulations for 2012
Compulsory EU tyre labelling will come into effect in November of this year. The labelling system will show buyers the fuel economy and wet weather braking capabilities and noise levels of tyres. This tyre performance labelling could have an effect on the way in which we purchase tyres and the brands we choose.
Labels will rate tyre performance on a scale of A-G, similar to the scaling labels used on things such as domestic appliances. Therefore, customers will be able to see at a glance whether the tyre scores highly on performance. However, there is one area which cannot be rated on such a simple scale- tyre longevity. The conditions of use, wear and tear will ultimately determine this, but at least drivers will have some indication as to the quality of their tyres.
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Thursday, 26 March 2015
IEEE Predict That 75% of Cars Will Be Autonomous By 2040
While flying cars and homes built high into the sky still seem to be out of reach for the foreseeable future, one group of experts believes that we'll see sweeping changes in the way we travel by car in the coming years. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have made the bold prediction that 75% of the world's vehicles will be autonomous by 2040.
The group, which contains the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, are putting their faith in the autonomous vehicle as the most promising form of intelligent transportation of the future. While it may seem like a bold prediction, one of the group's senior members, Dr. Alberto Broggi (a professor of computer engineering at the University of Parma in Italy) is already an expert on the subject. Broggi was the director of a 2010 project that enabled two driverless cars to successfully complete an 8,000-mile road trip from Parma to Shanghai, China.
When it comes to transportation, one of the more obvious hurdles that must be overcome is the need to establish and build infrastructure, which the group believes already gives autonomous cars an advantage compared to other forms of transportation. Broggi believes that autonomous cars of tomorrow could simply travel on existing roadways (with modified traffic control systems in place), sparking dramatic changes to intersections, traffic flows, and highways, which will all but end the need for drivers' licenses.
Broggi and his colleagues anticipate that driverless cars will operate by using sensors equipped in each vehicle that will allow vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, which will mean the end for traffic lights and stop signs. Broggi believes that intersections equipped with sensors, cameras, and radar systems will monitor and control traffic flow, helping to promote more efficient traffic patterns, and help eliminate driver collisions.
Dr. Azim Eskandarian, the director of the Center for Intelligent Systems Research and IEEE member, believes that new traffic flow systems combined with more autonomous vehicles on the road will revolutionize highway travel as well. He believes that future highways will utilize their own designated lanes for autonomous and traditional vehicles, which will help minimize traffic jams, increase efficiency, and allow for faster speeds. This will enable autonomous vehicles to travel more safely than they would in traditional highway traffic, and enable the self-driving vehicles to drive faster with closer gaps between cars while platooning – having a lead car with other autonomous cars in tow. In fact, Broggi said that he believes autonomous cars should be able to safely travel at speeds up to 100 mph.
While potential benefits of using the system could truly be breakthrough, there are a number of obstacles that must be overcome before autonomous cars can become a reality. For the IEEE, the biggest roadblock will be the consumer. So far, drivers have remained hesitant to get behind the widespread adoption of driverless cars, according to the IEEE. However, the advent of new technologies, such as self-parking features, auto-brake, and lane-departure assistance systems, may help change consumers' minds as they trickle down to more affordable vehicles.
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Even though the two cycles were locked in a store and thieves used power tools to steal them, our claim was turned down
I wanted to highlight a case of two separate cycle insurance products that have refused to pay out on the same technicality. One is by Evans Cycles and the other by Cycleguard, though both are provided by Thistle Insurance Services.
Thieves recently broke into a “secure” cycle store in an underground car park at my block of flats.
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Wednesday, 25 March 2015
IEEE Predict That 75% of Cars Will Be Autonomous By 2040
While flying cars and homes built high into the sky still seem to be out of reach for the foreseeable future, one group of experts believes that we'll see sweeping changes in the way we travel by car in the coming years. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have made the bold prediction that 75% of the world's vehicles will be autonomous by 2040.
The group, which contains the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, are putting their faith in the autonomous vehicle as the most promising form of intelligent transportation of the future. While it may seem like a bold prediction, one of the group's senior members, Dr. Alberto Broggi (a professor of computer engineering at the University of Parma in Italy) is already an expert on the subject. Broggi was the director of a 2010 project that enabled two driverless cars to successfully complete an 8,000-mile road trip from Parma to Shanghai, China.
When it comes to transportation, one of the more obvious hurdles that must be overcome is the need to establish and build infrastructure, which the group believes already gives autonomous cars an advantage compared to other forms of transportation. Broggi believes that autonomous cars of tomorrow could simply travel on existing roadways (with modified traffic control systems in place), sparking dramatic changes to intersections, traffic flows, and highways, which will all but end the need for drivers' licenses.
Broggi and his colleagues anticipate that driverless cars will operate by using sensors equipped in each vehicle that will allow vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, which will mean the end for traffic lights and stop signs. Broggi believes that intersections equipped with sensors, cameras, and radar systems will monitor and control traffic flow, helping to promote more efficient traffic patterns, and help eliminate driver collisions.
Dr. Azim Eskandarian, the director of the Center for Intelligent Systems Research and IEEE member, believes that new traffic flow systems combined with more autonomous vehicles on the road will revolutionize highway travel as well. He believes that future highways will utilize their own designated lanes for autonomous and traditional vehicles, which will help minimize traffic jams, increase efficiency, and allow for faster speeds. This will enable autonomous vehicles to travel more safely than they would in traditional highway traffic, and enable the self-driving vehicles to drive faster with closer gaps between cars while platooning – having a lead car with other autonomous cars in tow. In fact, Broggi said that he believes autonomous cars should be able to safely travel at speeds up to 100 mph.
While potential benefits of using the system could truly be breakthrough, there are a number of obstacles that must be overcome before autonomous cars can become a reality. For the IEEE, the biggest roadblock will be the consumer. So far, drivers have remained hesitant to get behind the widespread adoption of driverless cars, according to the IEEE. However, the advent of new technologies, such as self-parking features, auto-brake, and lane-departure assistance systems, may help change consumers' minds as they trickle down to more affordable vehicles.
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TfL online journey planner launched
Transport for London has now launched its online journey planner for delivery drivers in London during the Olympic Games. As the area will be manic for the duration of the games, delivery drivers can use the handy tool to plan routes which avoid certain no-go areas and therefore optimise efficiency during the Games. The planner shows delivery drivers the exact spots at which they can make drop offs in case of road closures and will show routes of any road events being carried out and how these will affect delivery times.
From July, the site will be refreshed every five minutes with up to date traffic information, and any issues which may affect drivers, their routes or timings. Overall, the tool will be a godsend to many freight operators, but the general advice is still to try and keep away from the area if possible as conditions will be hectic for drivers.
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Saturday, 21 March 2015
Who annoys you most on the roads?
Cyclists, taxi drivers, elderly motorists and tractors are all ranked among the most irritating road users. But which group is the most annoying?
Do you ever get vexed behind the wheel ­­– cursing other drivers for not knowing the Highway Code and having a total lack of common sense? Well, new research suggests Brits are a pretty irritable bunch on the roads…
Drivers over the age of 60 are the biggest source of frustration, according to research from insurance company Admiral.
Some 41% of those surveyed claimed to be irritated by elderly motorists.
Sue Longthorn, Admiral managing director, said: ‘The reason so many people find elderly motorists irritating could be because they tend to drive more carefully and are not in such a rush compared to many other road users.’
On a regional level, people in the North East, Yorkshire, Humberside, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland find taxi drivers the most annoying road users. In London, however, van drivers are regarded as the scourge of the roads.
Road user | Percentage who find them irritating |
Elderly motorists | 41% |
Taxi drivers | 37% |
Cyclists | 36% |
Van drivers | 34% |
Male drivers aged 17 or 18 | 30% |
Caravanners | 29% |
Tractor drivers | 26% |
4x4 drivers | 26% |
Lorry drivers | 21% |
Motorcyclists | 19% |
Bus drivers | 19% |
Female drivers aged 17 or 18 | 14% |
Sales reps | 9% |
Source: Admiral
Most annoying habits
As well as annoying road users, Admiral’s research also looked at the most irritating driving habits.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, tailgating is rated as the most irksome and gets on the nerves of 74% of drivers. Using mobile phones behind the wheel and not indicating are also high on the list of gripes.
Annoyance | Percentage |
Tailgating | 74% |
Using mobile phones | 73% |
Not indicating | 71% |
Cutting up | 70% |
Not paying attention | 57% |
Driving too slowly | 54% |
Not saying thank you when you give way | 50% |
Hogging the middle lane | 49% |
Speeding | 32% |
Racing at traffic lights and junctions | 30% |
Source: Admiral
Dealing with arguments on the road
If you need to stop your car following an incident, drive to a spot where there are other people around. Being in a public place could reduce the risk of a violent encounter.
While it’s tempting to retaliate if another driver makes an obscene gesture or shouts, doing so will probably just exacerbate the situation.
Also, it could be wise to keep a mobile phone in your car so you can call the police in the event of a serious dispute on the roads.
Road rage and insurance
Motorists who sustain injuries or damage to their vehicle as a result of a road rage incident may find their insurance company won’t pay out.
In fact, research carried out by Defaqto back in 2010 found that 94% of UK insurers don’t offer any cover for these types of claims.
If your own aggressive behavior contributed to the incident, a number of insurance policies carry an exclusion stipulating you won’t be covered
Furthermore, you might be unable to claim if you’re involved in a road rage incident, but don’t know the identity of your assailant.
For more articles like this, check out Which professions make the worst drivers? and Will you break the law this summer?
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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3 Quick Ways to Lower Your Van Insurance Quotes And Premium
Due to the expensive nature of certain insurance policies, a huge majority of small businesses now under insure their vans in order to save money on their policies. Finding an inexpensive van insurance premium can most times become a daunting task if you do not know how and where to find it- below are great tips you can adopt when searching for low- cost van insurance premium for your business-
If you're looking to renew the current policy or wanting to buy a new one, you can increase your chances of finding a cheaper premium by conducting research that would help you unveil the cheapest and best quote for you or your business. The way we search for information has been significantly changed by the development of the internet, as such, it provides the perfect starting point for any van insurance query you might want to conduct.
Take Time Out To Begin Your Research Online
Typically, not a lot of individuals and businesses posses the time and patience to be calling insurers one by one to obtain quotes with the view of saving money on their premium. Using the services of a van insurance comparison website is an ideal way of saving you time and money because they compare quotes from dozens of van insurance companies to bring you the cheapest quotes. Upon filling a form on the comparison site, your details and information is then passed unto other insurers who will then provide their quotes based on your requirements within minutes.
Typically, not all quotes offered by these insurers will meet your budget expectations, but there are other insurance companies that will give you some of the best market rate at comprehensively reduced price. Upon settling for your chosen quote and insurer, endeavor to give the insurer a quick call to discuss and confirm the details of your chosen quote before buying your policy online.
Calling the insurer after settling for your chosen quote to see whether they can reduce it further is the best way to obtain the best deal possible. This way, you could also comprehend whats contained within the policy itself- it's like hitting two birds with one stone. From the new details you've given, the insurers should be able to give you an adjested and final premium based on the new piece of information you've given.
Call Up Your New Insurers To Discuss The Policy
In comparison to all other coverage for homes, cars, travel and health insurance, the van insurance is more of a specialist type. Apparently, not all insurance companies are able to returns quotes for specialists type of cover like for van insurance . Most times motorists just prefer to take the easiest option by settling for what they've been used to, in particular, things they've been familiar with in the past . Nonetheless, if you're serious about obtaining cheaper premiums you might just want to go deeper.
Being contented with your current premium does not really stop you from shopping around and obtaining a cheaper quote elsewhere. Whatever means you decide on using for finding cheap van insurance quotes, whether through comparison websites or contacting insurers directly, obtaining cheap quotes couldn't be any easier.
Obtaining a cheap quote from one insurance company is often a good way to get other prospective insurers to beat their lowest quote from a competitor. These insurers are under no pressure to change their quotation, some might not even consider changing it, it simply establishes a medium of at least communication with the added chance of reducing your premium even further without amending your policy.
Refining Your Van Insurance
Now, you should be in a better position to figure out important add-on and non vital stuffs within your policy in order to settle for the best possible premium available. For instance, there might be additional add-on included in your policy that includes: European coverage, third party injury protection cover, legal expenses cover and many more- no need including them in your policy if you don't need them.
A policy thoroughly examined to strip of any unwanted extras and left with only the primary cover and protection needed. Increasing your level of excess to an unscrupulous amount can be tempting, but always remember that should you be involved in an accident your insurers would request that you pay up the entire amount before your vehicle can be repaired. Don't be surprised at how much you would be saving upon disregarding the optional extras.
Lessons to be learned here is that to get a cheap van insurance premium, you'll have to be prepared to fold your sleeves and dig dirty. Irrespective of you conducting researches that involves you calling your prospective insurer or getting quotes from numerous insurers, there are many different choices you could make to get you the right outcome.
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Friday, 20 March 2015
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Auto Insurance Needs For Lyft, Uber and Other Ride-Sharing Drivers
By Aaron Crowe
Getting into a Lyft, Uber, Sidecar or other ride-sharing car isn’t really about sharing. You’re paying for a taxi ride. As part of that service, you expect the driver to have auto insurance that will cover you if they get into an accident while having you as a paying passenger.
Drivers of such transportation network companies, or TNCs, along with their customers, may be a little confused about how much insurance is provided during trips and who provides it — the TNC or the driver’s personal insurance.
The TNCs require drivers, who act as independent contractors, to have personal auto insurance that can be the primary insurance if they get into an accident while working for the TNC. But in an ironic twist, most auto insurance companies don’t cover the commercial use of a private car under the “livery” exclusion, unless the driver buys a policy at the commercial rate — which can be very expensive.
Some UberX drivers might not see “sharing” their car as a business, but it is and they’d have their insurance policies canceled or not renewed if they got into an accident while driving for a TNC, says Christin Wiley, a personal lines account manager for an insurance agency in Tennessee.
For those unfamiliar with ride-sharing services, they start by using a phone app where riders can summon a ride and enter where they are and where they want to go. They’re picked up within minutes by a driver 21 or older who is using their own insured car and has a clean driving record and no criminal record. Payment is through a credit card. Drivers pick their own hours of operation and give a percentage of their fare to the TNC.
What insurance is provided
The insurance coverage that the TNCs provide is limited, and Lyft’s is secondary to a driver’s personal coverage. The driver must first ask their insurer to cover a claim, and if it’s denied, then Lyft’s coverage takes effect. The $1 million in liability coverage per accident that UberX provides is the primary coverage.
The TNC’s insurance coverage, however, isn’t available during all the time a driver is working, which is an issue that a new California law will attempt to solve when it takes affect July 1, 2015.
There are three times during a ride-sharing driver’s time at the wheel when insurance either kicked in from the TNC or there’s a gap where only the driver’s insurance is available, also called contingent coverage.
The first is when the driver logs into the TNC’s system, meaning they’re available for work but haven’t yet picked up a passenger. This time is now covered by the TNC insurance, but wasn’t before a deadly New Year’s Eve accident in San Francisco by a UberX driver in 2013.
Lyft and UberX have since added insurance, though at levels much lower than the $1 million in liability and $1 million in uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage they offer between accepting a trip to passenger dropoff.
Both companies now offer contingent coverage of $50,000 per person for bodily injury, $100,000 per accident for bodily injury and $25,000 for property damage. The new California law will mandate those amounts, though it will increase the property damage coverage to $30,000. But the $100,000 per accident coverage may not be enough if there are many passengers in the car, Wiley says.
The second time when TNC insurance changes is when the driver is matched in the app with a passenger to pickup. Again, before the San Francisco accident, matching drivers with customers didn’t cause TNC’s insurance to kick in, but has since been added to the $1 million insurance required during the third and final stage of pickup to dropoff.
California law will close all of those gaps, requiring TNC insurance from log-in to passenger dropoff. Colorado has a similar law. Other states are studying the issue, with some not allowing ride sharing at all.
The contingent coverage that takes effect when a driver logs on but isn’t yet transporting passengers. For drivers, the contingent coverage may be an ambiguity they’re willing to work with, since it hasn’t been challenged in a courtroom yet.
A solution in Arizona
A TNC in Arizona, Total Transit, may have the best solution: Full commercial coverage whenever its drivers are on the road.
Mike Pinckard, the company’s president, says he covers his drivers with a commercial insurance policy so that there’s no dispute on coverage limits and whose responsibility it is for having auto insurance. Total Transit drivers must still have their own personal auto insurance policy, but they’re covered by the company policy that they pay into based on how much work time they put in.
They’re even covered for trips outside of the Total Transit app, Pinckard says. For example, a driver could agree to accept under-the-table payment from a passenger for a future trip without using the company’s app, and the trip would be covered by the commercial policy, he says.
“Insure your vehicles and protect the public like any good member of the business community,” Pinckard says of what ride-sharing services should do.
His company’s policy includes $1 million in coverage for bodily injury, property and vehicle damage, and the driver isn’t required to first make a claim with their own insurer. It saves the company time and money, Pinckard says.
For example, one of his driver’s cars was hit by a Uber driver, and it took 10 months for an $800 claim to be paid by Uber after the Uber driver’s personal policy denied the claim, he says.
Ride-sharing services like to brag about being an innovative way to efficiently match passengers with rides, and that innovation should go beyond the technology, Pinckard says.
“Not paying for insurance has nothing to do with insurance. It’s not innovative at all,” he says.
Until then, in California at least, TNC drivers will get help from the new law next year by being able to buy auto insurance while using their personal vehicles for business.
State Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones recently announced that his department is ready to accept insurance company filings to create commercial coverage or endorsements to personal auto insurance policies that will provide coverage for TNC drivers in California.
The new law will cover them during all of the time when the TNC app is on — not just when they’re alerted to pick up a passenger — giving them some peace of mind that they’re covered during the entire time they’re working and that their personal policy will protect them.
Aaron Crowe is a journalist who covers the auto industry for
Auto Insurance Needs For Lyft, Uber and Other Ride-Sharing Drivers is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog
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Is therapy worth the cost? 'At its best, it's paying for a friend'
John, a 27-year-old New Yorker, started going to therapy after a painful heartbreak and says he found it ‘vital’ to working through his feelings
This is one of seven interviews with young professionals about their experiences with therapy and its costs. Read the rest here.
In 2007, a breakup left John reeling.
Related: The price of mental health: ‘therapy is not a magic wand’
I started because I was working through my feelings of abandonment and hopelessness, and then my father died two years later and that sort of became a whole other chaotic catastrophe.
“I was in a play once where somebody described therapy as paying someone to be your friend and I think that that’s true. I think it is to some extent paying someone to be your friend at its best. But it’s a friend that will never tell anyone anything and it’s a friend that gives better advice than your other 26- [or] 27-year-old friends do.”
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Sunday, 15 March 2015
How to Beat a Speeding Ticket in Court
It may be infuriating — and expensive — to get a traffic ticket, but if you are diligent there may be hope for you even after the officer hands you a citation.
That is because, according to motorist advocates, if you do a little homework and fight your ticket, you can often get that ticket reduced or even wiped from your record.
There are no direct statistics tracking how many people win cases in traffic court nationwide, said John Bowman, communications director for the drivers’ advocacy group, the National Motorists Association, based in Waunakee, Wisconsin.
“So, it’s hard to predict how any individual case will turn out,” Bowman said. “But I can tell you that if you don’t show up, you have lost already.”
A traffic ticket is costly, with fines sometimes reaching into the four-digits.
And the costs of a traffic citation don’t end once you pay your fine. After the citation makes its way onto your driving record, you will also likely be facing an increased monthly insurance bill.
Ticket Costs
What that specific repercussion will be depends on a lot of factors, said Gary Stephenson, a spokesman for State Farm Mutual Automotive Insurance Co., based in Bloomington, Illinois.
Stephenson said insurance companies take a number of factors into consideration when considering your citation, such as whether this was your first ticket or fourth, and how large the fine was.
“Flagrant violations could be viewed differently than very ‘minor’ violations,” Stephenson said. “There is no cookie-cutter answer.”?
But on the other end of the spectrum, a third ticket in as many months may end up causing the company to cancel your insurance altogether.
While each incident may have different repercussions, one rule of thumb used by traffic attorneys and advocates is that your insurance will go up by the formula of (Your Fine + $50) x 5.
So, a $100 fine could end up costing you $750 or more of increased insurance costs over the next few years.
And if your job is driving, such as a commercial trucker, getting a moving violation may even cost you your job.
Ready to Rumble
Once you get that ticket, Bowman said your options are “fairly limited.”
“You can pay and move on and watch your insurance go up, or you can fight it,” Bowman said.
The National Motorists Association estimates that only about 5 percent of all drivers who get a traffic ticket bother to contest it in court.
“Those are the people who will come out ahead,” Bowman said.
The National Motorists Association published an e-book for its members with strategies of fighting a traffic citation in court. The association also has a network of members across the nation who volunteer to advise motorists who want to fight their ticket in court.
The only way to win in court is to mount a logical and organized defense, said “Radar” Roy Reyer, speeding ticket avoidance tactics and product expert.
Reyer is the publisher of and wrote the book “How to Beat Your Speeding Ticket in Court and Win.” He is also a retired sheriff lieutenant and was a certified radar and laser instructor who “taught thousands of cops to write tickets.”
He said that to win, you need to do a “big homework assignment.”
“It is definitely going to take time to fight it properly,” Reyer said.
If motorists have any hopes of actually winning in court, they need to do better than just showing up and saying “trust me your honor, I wasn’t speeding.”
“Who will the judge believe,” Reyer said. “The officer trained in police radar and speed recognition, or someone who is just driving down the street?”
For the Record
But that doesn’t mean that motorists should abandon hope of beating a ticket in court.
“There are things that you can do to prepare — standard defenses,” Bowman said.
Discovery is when your homework begins.
“Subpoena everything you can,” Reyer said. “You want records, the manual for the radar gun, the officer’s training records — everything.”
One common defense is challenging the calibration record of the radar or laser gun.
“Most people consider radar guns as infallible, but they do make errors and so do the operators,” Bowman said.
Every radar gun needs to be calibrated at the beginning and end of every shift, Reyer said.
“A lot of cops don’t remember to do that,” Reyer said.
Reyer said he is helping a man in Connecticut who is fighting a ticket right now who was able to prove that the department hadn’t calibrated the gun in three years.
“And that goes against the standards published by the International Association of Chiefs of Police,” Reyer said. “That is powerful and damning evidence.”
Officers typically use a special tuning fork to establish that calibration. And that is another area that motorists should subpoena.
“If you drop a tuning fork, it is now out of frequency, and that is one of the items that has to be calibrated,” Reyer said.
And even if everything has been calibrated, every officer writing tickets should also prove they are certified to use the equipment with which they are recording speed.
“I am constantly surprised by how many agencies forget to certify,” Reyer said.
However, calibration and certification are now common tactics, which means many agencies are now more diligent, Bowman said.
And that is when motorists need to move to less common areas to protest the fine.
“It never hurts to go back to the scene of the incident and take down some notes and take some photographs,” Bowman said. “Was there a speed limit sign? Was it visible? Was it properly posted with the proper speed? Were there characteristics that would hinder the officers’ ability to see you?”
You should also scour the ticket itself for typos or incorrect details. Also check for nearby power substations or power lines, which might interfere with readings.
And any evidence will also help, such as GPS readings, dash cams, or anything else that might prove that you were not, in fact speeding.
Day in court
But If you just show up in court and argue, you will lose.
“It comes down to who has the better evidence,” Reyer said. “I used to laugh my ass off because people didn’t prepare. They showed up in court without records or documents, and it was just his word against yours.”
It is also important to dress to impress and to stay calm and respectful while you are in the courtroom, and you never want to lie, which could earn you a contempt of court charge.
And if you are lucky, sometimes merely showing up means that you win.
“If the officer does not show up, move for dismissal. Most times it will be granted,” Bowman said.
You can also negotiate with the prosecutor or magistrate for a plea deal that would allow you to pay your fine but keep the moving violation off your record.
“Most people just don’t want those points,” Bowman said. “They are happy to pay if they can drop the points, and lets be honest, all the courts want is the money, so they will bargain with you.”
But none of that is possible if you don’t show up to fight in the first place.
How to Beat a Speeding Ticket in Court is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog
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Sitting Your Kids Below The Ages Of 2 Within A Rear Facing Position Is Notably Less compromising In comparison with Any Other Sitting Position Claims The United states School For Pediatrics
Enclosed inside a new policy released in the issue of April 2011 of Pediatric medicine, fathers and mothers are advised to keep their children within a rear-facing infant car seat up till the age of two or better still when they have gotten to the required height and also body weight for their specified seat. Also, the AAP also reminded parents about the basic requirement for their children to use booster seats that seat belt positioned until the height of 4' and 9" in height as well as reaching the ages of 8-12 years of age.
A previous policy published in 2002 also advised that it is much safer for toddlers and infants to be placed in a rear facing up position up to the limits of the car seat, also indicating age 12 months and 20 pounds as absolute minimum. Noticeably, a huge percentage of parents were observed changing their child's car seat position to a front facing one from rear-faced position upon their babies turning one.
"Transition from one stage to another often gets parents excited, but these transitions must generally be delayed until they are absolutely necessary, as the child fully develop and outgrows the restrictions for his or her present stage," said Dennis Dubin, MD, FAAP, leader and author of the policy statement as well as the accompanying technical report.
"A rear-facing child safety seat does a better job of supporting the head, neck and spine of infants and toddlers in a crash, because it distributes the force of the collision over the entire body," dr durbin said. "with larger kids, a harness fitted forward facing seat is a lot safer than booster seats, and a belt positioning booster seat gives the most protection possible than just a seat belt alone until the seat belt can work correctly."
While the rate of deaths in motor vehicle crashes in children under age 16 has decreased substantially, dropping 45 percent between 1997 and 2009, it is still the leading cause of death for children ages 4 and older. Totalling children and teenagers up to the ages of 21 years, over 5,000 deaths are recorded each year. The amount of casualties can be alarming: for every fatality, approximately 18 children get admitted in hospital while more than four hundred are seriously injured enough to need medical assistance.
Results from research made have uncovered the truth that kids are safer in rear-facing car seats. The 2007 journal injury prevention study unveiled that children within the ages of 2 yr were 75% less likely to be killed or obtain very severe injuries in the event of a crash if they are sat in a rear facing manner.
The age 2 recommendation is not a deadline, but rather a guideline to help parents decide when to make the transition, Dr. Durbin said. Smaller children will benefit from remaining rear-facing longer, while other children may reach the maximum height or weight before 2 years of age.
Children must be transitioned from a rear facing car seat to a forward facing car seat that comes with harness for optimal safety, this should continue until they reach the required height and weight. Then a booster will make sure the vehicle's lap-and-shoulder belt fit properly. The correct positioning of the seat belt should be for it to lie across in between the shoulder and the chest rather than laying across the face or the neck- as this can be dangerous in the event of an accident .
While the lap belt on the other hand must fit low and snug on the upper thighs and hips instead of the belly. A number kids will most definitely require a booster seat until they've grown till four feet and nine inches tall as well as being 8 to 12 years of age.
Children should ride in a or an in the rear of a vehicle until they are 13 years old.
An appropriate age and size restraints are still needed for children under the ages of 2 years to ride on the laps of an adult even though the Federal Aviation Authority permits kids to ride on adult's laps.
Just to recap, whatsoever method of transportation, children must be secured or restrained adequately to avoid severe injuries should an accident occur, whether by air, sea or land kids should always be retrained properly, Dr Durbin said.,, and safe are a few of the most valuable baby products recommended for kids safety in their everyday life.
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