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Saturday, 31 January 2015
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Legal & General shuts with-profits fund: what should investors do?
L&G has become the latest with-profits company to turn its fund into a 'zombie'. Should investors take their money elsewhere? We answer your questions
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Friday, 30 January 2015
Axa looks at cyber attack insurance policy in UK
Individuals afraid of cyber-attacks may soon be able to buy insurance that would allow them to clean up the damage caused by hackers.
The insurance company Axa is already offering such policies in France and is looking at devising a similar policy for the UK market.
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Saving Money On Your Temporary Van Insurance Premium
You could need a short term van insurance coverage that ranges from 1 day van insurance coverage to 28 days van insurance policy if your van usage is meant for short term use only. Another fantastic way to save on your premiums is the choice to choose whether or not you need a business cover or just a personal cover. So, why spend money for a protection plan that covers you all year when you only need coverage for a short while?
You can certainly save a huge amount of money once you go along with personal van insurance for forty eight hours Get up to 36 quotes here- http://www.cheapestvaninsurance.org/
Specifically Tailored For Businesses in Need of Short Term Van Insurance Cover
Business owners often look for van insurance coverage without actually knowing how much money they could save on short term van insurance coverage when they use their van on very short periods. Keeping a van insured all year round can be expensive especially when you do not use it all the time, but when you choose a temporary van insurance, you're guaranteed to save money instead of paying for a policy that you do not need.
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You'll discover that having private van insurance is an ideal solution for your short term use of your van on vacations and holidays with your loved ones and close friends as well. While you may never use your van on a day to day basis, if you are going on a vacation, you may want to take a van since it has more room in it. However, if this scenario is true then there is no doubt you will not be needing an insurance policy of some sort. So a short term van insurance cover would be ideal for you.
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Thursday, 29 January 2015
L&G to allocate 1.5 bln stg to UK regeneration fund
Insurer Legal & General said on Tuesday it would allocate 1.5 billion pounds ($2.3 billion) to a new British fund for infrastructure projects and seek external financing to expand its size to 15 billion pounds. Chief Executive Nigel Wilson wants L&G (LSE: LGEN.L - news) , which manages over $1 trillion in British pension fund assets, to invest in Britain together with overseas sovereign wealth funds. The fund will seek British and international institutional investors for 30-50 projects across Britain, including in the English cities of Birmingham, Bristol and Leeds. Ahead of elections in May, British politicians are championing spending on large-scale projects.
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What supermarkets don’t want you to know
Discover the tricks supermarkets use to encourage you to spend more on your weekly shop.
Do you always seem to come away from the supermarket with a couple of items that weren’t on your shopping list or having spent more than you had intended when you walked into the store?
This probably isn’t an accident and, in fact, you may be doing exactly what the retailer expects of its customers.
With this in mind, we reveal five of the most common supermarket tricks.
Changing layouts
As well as being inconvenient for regular customers, changing the layout of a store is a ploy to encourage shoppers to spend more time searching for their items and probably spending more money.
While you’re traipsing through the aisles looking for a carton of semi-skimmed, you might be tempted to pick up a six-pack of your favourite lager.
Dynamic pricing
You might logically assume that supermarket chains have one price for every item that is applied across all of its stores. Unfortunately not…
Most supermarkets follow a practice known as ‘dynamic pricing’ in which they set prices according to regional trends. This means you’ll probably pay a higher price for your groceries if you live in a wealthy area than you would in other parts of the country.
The eyeline trick
Retailers often place their more expensive, branded items at customers’ eye level, while placing less costly alternatives on top and bottom shelves.
In order to boost their profits, supermarkets spend millions of pounds analysing shoppers’ behaviour and psychology. Based on this research, they know we’re much more likely to opt for items right in front of us than scour the shelves for a cheaper deal.
Dodgy price drops
Imagine you’re in a supermarket and see that an item that had been £6 has been reduced to £4.99. Clearly this is a bargain, right? Not necessarily.
Supermarkets often temporarily inflate the price of goods before putting them on ‘sale’. This way, they can advertise the new price against the previous, inflated price to give the appearance of an attractive saving.
This practice is perfectly legal. As long as the supermarket has charged the higher price for at least 28 days prior to the sale, retailers can market this as a price cut.
Does size matter?
Supermarkets are fond of telling us we’ll get better value if we buy our food in larger portions. You might therefore assume that a 1kg tub of butter will offer better value overall than a 500-gram tub.
However, it may work out cheaper to buy two smaller packs. In order to form an accurate comparison and find the most competitive deal, it’s worth comparing the price per 100 grams.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Wednesday, 28 January 2015
FTSE 250 movers: Shanks tops risers after recycling success
Leading the way higher was waste management firm Shanks after saying that the Silverburn Shopping Centre in Glasgow is no longer sending any of its waste to landfill since appointing Shanks to handle its …
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Different Car Insurance Rates Among Different States
If you were to compare car insurance rates by state you’d find that similar drivers with similar vehicles pay different rates depending on the state where they live. This is one of the curious aspects of car insurance a lot of people don’t understand. That misunderstanding comes by way of the fact that so many drivers think of cheap car insurance as a static product similar to a computer or television set. By “static” we mean a product that comes off a production line and is identical among all pieces of the same line.
The thing about car insurance is that it’s not static. For example, two different drivers may both have collision and comprehensive coverage on their vehicles but pay different rates for it. This makes complete sense when you consider one driver owns a BMW while the other driver owns a Kia. The values of their respective vehicles heavily influence the cost of their collision and comprehensive insurance.
United States of America
In terms of the various states, here are a couple of things that influence auto insurance quotes:
State Laws – Far and away the biggest influence on cheap auto insurance at the state level comes by way of insurance regulations. A state where insurance is heavily regulated to the point that it chokes out competition will see higher car insurance costs. Other regulatory conditions that contribute to annual premiums include minimum liability requirements, taxes and fees, how the state’s high risk pools are funded, and how traffic violations are dealt with.
Population Density – Population density is another big factor at the state level. States with high population densities such as California and Massachusetts have the potential for higher insurance rates because there are more drivers on the road to cause accidents.
Accident Rates – The different states experience different accident rates depending on a whole host of factors. Weather, average driver age, road conditions, and economic conditions all play a part in influencing accident rates. Like population density, a state with a higher rate of accidents per capita will see that reflected in car insurance quotes.
Job Outlook – Believe it or not insurance statistics show a greater propensity for insurance claims among specific occupations. Insurance companies can look at those statistics from one state to the next and partially determine rates of accident claims based on occupation and income levels.
Suffice it to say there are a number of things at the state level that contribute to how much you and I pay for insurance. When you’re searching for car insurance quotes, it’s best not to about worry what your cousin and his neighbor are paying two states away. Your state is what it is and that’s not likely to change. By the same token, if you’re thinking of moving to another state and you’re not restricted in your choices, taking into account the likelihood you’ll be able to find cheap car insurance may be a factor in your decision.
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Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Car Insurance Coverage in Mexico
A driver in Washington State sits at the border crossing with Canada waiting to be interviewed by a customs officer. During that wait he might be thinking about meeting up with friends or relatives in Vancouver. He might be thinking about sites he plans to see while in Canada. He may be thinking any number of things; he probably won’t be thinking about is car insurance. But the California driver crossing the border into Mexico doesn’t have that luxury.
The United States and Canada have a reciprocal agreement whereby both recognize car insurance policies written by companies in the opposite country. There is no such agreement between our country and Mexico. So while you can travel in Canada without buying Canadian car insurance, you cannot do so in Mexico. If you plan to drive your car south of the border you must purchase an insurance policy written by a Mexican company and recognized by the Mexican government.
Short Trips versus Long Trips
The good news about driving in Mexico lies in the fact that you can get a pretty cheap car insurance policy to cover a short-term visit. The bad news is that Mexico has some very strange and strict laws concerning car insurance and accidents. Let’s start with distance first.
Mexican law creates a “buffer zone” in which Americans can operate their vehicles while still considered being in the country on a short-term basis. There are two types of zones known as the Border Zone and the Free Trade Zone. If you plan to venture outside one of these two zones Mexico requires you to file for recognition as a vehicle importer. And unfortunately, imported vehicles command a higher price for car insurance.
Accidents and Criminal Investigations
The other quirky thing about Mexican traffic law is the fact that all auto accidents, no matter how minor, are investigated as criminal matters until it can be determined otherwise. Practically speaking, this means an American driver would automatically be suspected of a crime if he was involved in an auto accident.
If the crime investigation reveals the driver did not have proper auto insurance that individual is quite likely to do some time in jail. In cases where a court forgoes jail time, he still could face severe fines, vehicle seizure, and a temporary or lifetime ban on re-entering Mexico.
Purchasing Cheap Mexican Car Insurance
Fortunately for Americans, purchasing cheap Mexican car insurance is fairly simple. There are lots of companies offering policies online you can purchase in just a matter of minutes. Should you prefer to get your policy through a human agent, there is no shortage of Mexican insurance companies located in border cities.
The most important thing to remember is to get your insurance documents written in English. Either that, or be fluent in Spanish. You don’t want to pay for a policy that provides you with little or no actual coverage. The only way to know that is to read it for yourself.
Happy trails!
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Eight months' wait for UK Mail to pay up for a crushed bike
With CCTV footage and a witness Alice Tyler thought it would be quick to get compensation for a bike crushed by a reversing truck. She was wrong
As mysteries go it was something of an open-and-shut case. Or rather, a reverse-and-leave case.
When Alice Tyler left work on 27 May last year to find her locked road bike twisted and mangled against a stand she quickly surmised assumed something heavy must have struck it. Enquiries to the office block adjoining the bike stand found a helpful security guard who uncovered the relevant CCTV footage.
I still don’t know if UK Mail haven’t done anything because the information hasn’t got to the right person, or if because they’ve chosen not to do anything.
In retrospect, it was very much the wrong decision not to use my own insurers. But it seemed so clear cut all I’d need to do is contact them and they should just pay me for the damage without any fuss.
I thought, ‘It’s so obvious you’ve hit something and you don’t even go and check to see what it was.’ They didn’t even check it was a person, or damage to something that could cause someone else harm. It made me very much doubt the personality of the person driving that vehicle.
We can confirm that Alice contacted us on Twitter back in May and this incident was reported to our insurers.
We are now investigating into why this case has taken so long, but in the meantime, we will pay out the costs, as it is clearly our fault.
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Monday, 26 January 2015
Axa looks at cyber attack insurance policy in UK
Individuals afraid of cyber-attacks may soon be able to buy insurance that would allow them to clean up the damage caused by hackers.
The insurance company Axa is already offering such policies in France and is looking at devising a similar policy for the UK market.
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Sporting registration plates to go on auction
From Thursday June 7th, the DVLA will be auctioning some of its most coveted personalised registration plates- and they certainly come at a price. In the past decade, football related number plates have sold for thousands in auction: ‘WE57 HAM’ (£57,000), ‘AR53 NAL’ (£36,000), ‘V1LLA’ (£35,000). This year’s auction will see ‘FU1 HAM’ go under the hammer, perhaps another dedicated fan will become the proud owner of this number plate.
As an official licensee of London 2012, the DVLA will also be auctioning new Olympic Games related plates: ‘2012 OG’, ‘GO11 DEN’. These are sure to go for particularly hefty sums as well, as prized mementos of this exciting event.
So if you’re thinking of bidding for one of these fabulous registration plates, you’ll want to be saving a little elsewhere – be sure to compare van insurance with The Van Insurer and find the cheapest van insurance quote for you.
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Sunday, 25 January 2015
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Great Wall heads to Northern Ireland
Great Wall, the Chinese pick-up manufacturer, is getting ready to set up in Northern Ireland. It has appointed Londonderry based Eakin Bros as its premier Northern Irish dealership and will begin sales with the brand new ‘Steed’ pickup. It will also offer dedicated parts and service facilites. Managing Director, Paul Hegarty said;
‘The appointment of Eakin Bros offers Great Wall a fantastic opportunity to expand our network into an important new market for the brand. We believe that the dealership is in an excellent position to help our expansion and look forward to a long and prosperous partnership.’
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Saturday, 24 January 2015
ADM takes over ICAP's base metals broking business
ADM Investor Services International Ltd (ADMISI) has boosted its commodity division with a transfer of the base metals broking operations from major broker ICAP (LSE: IAP.L - news) , it said on Wednesday. An emailed statement said the transfer was completed on Jan. 2 and the team trading on the London Metal Exchange (LME) would continue to be led by Robert Rees. "We are pleased to further strengthen our LME client offering with the addition of this ICAP team, enhancing our considerable strength in both LME and commodities," the statement said.
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Friday, 23 January 2015
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Prescription Drugs Leading to More DUIs in TN
In Davidson County presiding Judge Mark Fishburn devotes his entire docket on Fridays to DUI cases. “When we first started this court, I would say we would have one in 50 drug-based DUIs,” he said. “Now, I think it is closer to one in 15.”
Tennessee is one of the nation’s leading states when it comes to the amount of prescription pills prescribed. As a result of the trend, law enforcement officials see more people operating vehicles under the influence of prescription drugs.
Prescription drugs present a unique challenge for the judicial system because there is not a state set legal limit. For alcohol the legal limit is .08. “With medications, I don’t know where you put the limit,” Judge Fishburn said.
Prescription drug DUI cases also require more time to process. “Whenever you have a DUI trial, instead of having a couple of police officers testifying, you will have to bring in the TBI crime lab expert and possibly a doctor,” Judge Fishburn said. “Then you are going to have to have an expert come in at every trial and testify about the effects of that medicine.” Instead of a trial taking a few days, the judge said the trials could stretch into more than a week.
He also said it will create a backlog for the TBI crime lab. The lab tests blood samples for Tennessee law enforcement agencies. Blood tests are required to determine what type of drugs and the amount of drugs in a person’s system when they are arrested. “It will be longer for the case from beginning to end because you have to start drug testing everybody and the TBI crime lab is going to take longer to get the results back,” Judge Fishburn said. “The case is going to be sitting in limbo until those results are back.”
Currently, the TBI crime lab has a backlog generated by changes in Tennessee’s implied consent laws. In January, Tennessee enacted no refusal laws that allow law enforcement to obtain a blood sample from a suspected drunk driver without a warrant if the person has a previous DUI conviction or has a child under the age of 16 years old in the vehicle. The change increased blood sample submissions to the TBI Crime Lab by 50%. However, the agency was not provided with additional funding to hire lab technicians. The turn-around time on a blood alcohol content test went from two weeks to up to eight weeks. The turn-around time for a drug screening went from eight weeks to up to 30 weeks. The TBI said it is planning to hire more technicians, though it may be months before they are fully trained and working in the crime lab.
If convicted of DUI in the state of Tennessee, drivers are required to obtain SR-22 insurance. The SR-22 is a proof of financial responsibility and can be required for a total of 5 years from the date of your suspension. Have you had a DUI or other driving offense that required anSR 22 insurance filing or are you getting car insurance for the first time? Serenity Insurance can help – we offer car insurance in 47 states for both preferred and high risk drivers. Call us toll free today at 1-800-774-0520 or submit a free quote request online at www.serenitygroup.com. Source: http://www.wkrn.com/
The post Prescription Drugs Leading to More DUIs in TN appeared first on SR22 Insurance.
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Sitting Your Kids Below The Ages Of 2 Within A Rear Facing Position Is Notably Less compromising In comparison with Any Other Sitting Position Claims The United states School For Pediatrics
Enclosed inside a new policy released in the issue of April 2011 of Pediatric medicine, fathers and mothers are advised to keep their children within a rear-facing infant car seat up till the age of two or better still when they have gotten to the required height and also body weight for their specified seat. Also, the AAP also reminded parents about the basic requirement for their children to use booster seats that seat belt positioned until the height of 4' and 9" in height as well as reaching the ages of 8-12 years of age.
A previous policy published in 2002 also advised that it is much safer for toddlers and infants to be placed in a rear facing up position up to the limits of the car seat, also indicating age 12 months and 20 pounds as absolute minimum. Noticeably, a huge percentage of parents were observed changing their child's car seat position to a front facing one from rear-faced position upon their babies turning one.
"Transition from one stage to another often gets parents excited, but these transitions must generally be delayed until they are absolutely necessary, as the child fully develop and outgrows the restrictions for his or her present stage," said Dennis Dubin, MD, FAAP, leader and author of the policy statement as well as the accompanying technical report.
"A rear-facing child safety seat does a better job of supporting the head, neck and spine of infants and toddlers in a crash, because it distributes the force of the collision over the entire body," dr durbin said. "with larger kids, a harness fitted forward facing seat is a lot safer than booster seats, and a belt positioning booster seat gives the most protection possible than just a seat belt alone until the seat belt can work correctly."
While the rate of deaths in motor vehicle crashes in children under age 16 has decreased substantially, dropping 45 percent between 1997 and 2009, it is still the leading cause of death for children ages 4 and older. Totalling children and teenagers up to the ages of 21 years, over 5,000 deaths are recorded each year. The amount of casualties can be alarming: for every fatality, approximately 18 children get admitted in hospital while more than four hundred are seriously injured enough to need medical assistance.
Results from research made have uncovered the truth that kids are safer in rear-facing car seats. The 2007 journal injury prevention study unveiled that children within the ages of 2 yr were 75% less likely to be killed or obtain very severe injuries in the event of a crash if they are sat in a rear facing manner.
The age 2 recommendation is not a deadline, but rather a guideline to help parents decide when to make the transition, Dr. Durbin said. Smaller children will benefit from remaining rear-facing longer, while other children may reach the maximum height or weight before 2 years of age.
Children must be transitioned from a rear facing car seat to a forward facing car seat that comes with harness for optimal safety, this should continue until they reach the required height and weight. Then a booster will make sure the vehicle's lap-and-shoulder belt fit properly. The correct positioning of the seat belt should be for it to lie across in between the shoulder and the chest rather than laying across the face or the neck- as this can be dangerous in the event of an accident .
While the lap belt on the other hand must fit low and snug on the upper thighs and hips instead of the belly. A number kids will most definitely require a booster seat until they've grown till four feet and nine inches tall as well as being 8 to 12 years of age.
Children should ride in a http://www.primoeurobath.com/booster-seat.html or an http://www.primoeurobath.com/infant-car-seat.html in the rear of a vehicle until they are 13 years old.
An appropriate age and size restraints are still needed for children under the ages of 2 years to ride on the laps of an adult even though the Federal Aviation Authority permits kids to ride on adult's laps.
Just to recap, whatsoever method of transportation, children must be secured or restrained adequately to avoid severe injuries should an accident occur, whether by air, sea or land kids should always be retrained properly, Dr Durbin said. http://www.primoeurobath.com/, http://www.primoeurobath.com/baby-strollers.html, http://www.primoeurobath.com/baby-monitor.html and safe http://www.primoeurobath.com/baby-swings.html are a few of the most valuable baby products recommended for kids safety in their everyday life.
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Thursday, 22 January 2015
What supermarkets don’t want you to know
Discover the tricks supermarkets use to encourage you to spend more on your weekly shop.
Do you always seem to come away from the supermarket with a couple of items that weren’t on your shopping list or having spent more than you had intended when you walked into the store?
This probably isn’t an accident and, in fact, you may be doing exactly what the retailer expects of its customers.
With this in mind, we reveal five of the most common supermarket tricks.
Changing layouts
As well as being inconvenient for regular customers, changing the layout of a store is a ploy to encourage shoppers to spend more time searching for their items and probably spending more money.
While you’re traipsing through the aisles looking for a carton of semi-skimmed, you might be tempted to pick up a six-pack of your favourite lager.
Dynamic pricing
You might logically assume that supermarket chains have one price for every item that is applied across all of its stores. Unfortunately not…
Most supermarkets follow a practice known as ‘dynamic pricing’ in which they set prices according to regional trends. This means you’ll probably pay a higher price for your groceries if you live in a wealthy area than you would in other parts of the country.
The eyeline trick
Retailers often place their more expensive, branded items at customers’ eye level, while placing less costly alternatives on top and bottom shelves.
In order to boost their profits, supermarkets spend millions of pounds analysing shoppers’ behaviour and psychology. Based on this research, they know we’re much more likely to opt for items right in front of us than scour the shelves for a cheaper deal.
Dodgy price drops
Imagine you’re in a supermarket and see that an item that had been £6 has been reduced to £4.99. Clearly this is a bargain, right? Not necessarily.
Supermarkets often temporarily inflate the price of goods before putting them on ‘sale’. This way, they can advertise the new price against the previous, inflated price to give the appearance of an attractive saving.
This practice is perfectly legal. As long as the supermarket has charged the higher price for at least 28 days prior to the sale, retailers can market this as a price cut.
Does size matter?
Supermarkets are fond of telling us we’ll get better value if we buy our food in larger portions. You might therefore assume that a 1kg tub of butter will offer better value overall than a 500-gram tub.
However, it may work out cheaper to buy two smaller packs. In order to form an accurate comparison and find the most competitive deal, it’s worth comparing the price per 100 grams.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Factsheet: Travel insurance
Travel insurance is designed to protect you against the cost of any unforeseen events when you are on holiday, or before if they force you to cancel your break. It’s up to you if you buy a policy. Cover varies hugely between deals, so reading the small print before you buy is vital.
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FTA suggests new restrictions required to stop excessive tolling
The FTA has posited that the level of tolls for goods vehicles should be restricted as levels have risen too high, and are thus affecting how road users travel- not using certain areas of the road network.
This comes as Spaghetti Junction hits its 40th anniversary and, alongside the M6, is still the main transport route for many goods vehicles although it had been envisaged that the M6 Toll road would take some of the pressure away from this area. Tolls are said to be of a level which drivers deem too high and therefore avoid.
Perhaps the upshot of this statement could lead to reform in regard to tolling. Let us know what you think – are the road tolls to high in your opinion?
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Wednesday, 21 January 2015
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Monday, 19 January 2015
• Average student’s insurance claim is over £350
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Great Wall heads to Northern Ireland
Great Wall, the Chinese pick-up manufacturer, is getting ready to set up in Northern Ireland. It has appointed Londonderry based Eakin Bros as its premier Northern Irish dealership and will begin sales with the brand new ‘Steed’ pickup. It will also offer dedicated parts and service facilites. Managing Director, Paul Hegarty said;
‘The appointment of Eakin Bros offers Great Wall a fantastic opportunity to expand our network into an important new market for the brand. We believe that the dealership is in an excellent position to help our expansion and look forward to a long and prosperous partnership.’
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How Insurers Determine Your Auto Insurance Premium
By Annmarie Geddes Baribeau
When it comes to purchasing auto insurance, knowing the factors that influence premium can help you get the best coverage at a competitive price.
Most states generally require owners of vehicles to purchase coverage. By paying premium on an automobile insurance policy, you relying on an insurance company to cover the costs, minus the deductible, should you or your vehicle be involved in an accident. Automobile insurance can also cover damages to your car from exposures including theft, weather and vandalism.
To be competitive, insurers charge the most reasonable premium possible to attract and keep customers while assuring they can pay future claim costs.
When shopping around, you might notice insurers charge different premiums for the same coverage. These quotes reflect how each insurer uses its own “secret sauce” to determine the potential riskiness of a policyholder and his or her covered vehicle(s).
For insurers, all secret sauces are based on a proprietary blend of statistics, other data and assumptions. To predict the likelihood and seriousness of potential claims, insurers vary on both the factors they use and how much emphasize to give them.
These factors are:
1. Your driving record and experience
Driving records are obvious indicators of potential risk and are generally given greater emphasis than other factors.
Your driving record is a history of violations, convictions and collisions. The fewer violations, the lower the premium. Your record also indicates a lack of experience. Since new and inexperienced drivers are more likely to be in an accident, coverage costs more. The good news is that insurers honor records that improve over time.
2. Your age
People younger than 25 years old are considered inexperienced drivers with a greater accident potential. For some insurers, the age factor is about the same for the 26 to 65 age range. Since senior citizens tend to have more accidents, their rates tend to be higher.
3. Your gender
Insurers see inexperienced and younger male drivers as a greater risk than their female counterparts. While the distinction for younger drivers is shrinking, it is still significant. For experienced drivers, female drivers are also considered less risky, but insurers do not see gender differences as significant.
4. Your station in life
Statistics show that married drivers are less likely to crash than those who are single. Mothers are also considered to be safer drivers. Singles can improve their premiums with a fantastic individual driving record.
5. How much you drive
Insurance is based on the concept of exposure. That is, the more you drive, the more likely you will be in a car accident. So if you drive your car “to work,” which insurers generally define as driving more than 15,000 miles a year, you pay more for greater exposure to potential car accidents. When driving for “pleasure use,” which generally less than 15,000 miles annually, premium should be lower.
Drivers in highly populated areas have higher auto insurance premiums due to greater traffic exposure. That’s why urban drivers pay a higher auto insurance price than those in small towns or rural areas.
Insurers also know that most accidents occur within a couple miles of places where people drive frequently. That includes your home and places you run errands, such as shopping malls and grocery stores. What insurers do not know is how often you make these trips.
That’s where telematics come in. For drivers who agree to have special equipment installed in their car, insurers can monitor how many short trips are being made and other driving behavior. Insurers including Progressive and State Farm are offering “usage based” programs that give good drivers up to double-digit percentage reductions of their auto insurance bills.
6. Location. Location. Location.
Where you park your car is also telling of potential auto insurance claims. By definition, the less criminal activity, the safer the neighborhood and the less likely you will file a claim for vandalism or theft. ZIP codes can be another factor, though some insurers are “clustering” locations with similar risk in different cities.
Besides where you drive and park your car, insurers also look at the actual cost for covering claims in your area. Medical and car repair bills can cost more in some locations. Areas that are heavily litigious, known for a greater prevalence of insurance fraud and are vulnerable to extreme weather can also impact potential costs.
7. Gaps in insurance coverage
Most auto insurers consider drivers with gaps in their auto insurance coverage as potentially riskier to insure than drivers who have consistently maintained coverage.
8. Your credit score
Research shows there is a correlation between credit characteristics, as reflected in credit-based insurance scores, and insurance losses. Statistically, people who have a poor insurance credit score are more likely to file a claim.
Most insurers are using credit-based insurance scores as a factor in determining the risk of policyholders. These scores are based on information including: payment history, bankruptcies, collections, outstanding debt, length of credit history, new credit and credit risk. Regular, on-time credit card and mortgage payments affect a score positively, while late payments affect a score negatively.
9. Your vehicle(s)
Basically, the more it costs to repair or replace your car, the higher the premiums. Fully loaded sports cars, for example, are more likely to get stolen. Common family cars can also be targets to thieves who want to sell parts.
Vehicles that have favorable crash safety test scores are likely to cost less to insure. Engine sizes, even among the same makes and models, can also impact insurance premiums.
If you are driving an old car or junker that will not require replacement, you can opt out of comprehensive and collision coverage for it. If you do, however, replacement costs will be your responsibility.
10. Other Coverage You Purchase
Most insurers provide discounts if you also purchase other types insurance from them. Typically, this includes umbrella, homeowners or renters coverage.
11. Your coverage and deductible.
Of course, the more insurance you buy, the more it costs. To reduce premiums, you can offer to share the cost per claim by agreeing to a deductible. The higher the deductible, the more you save in premiums.
Just determine how much money you can afford to pay when filing a claim – generally $500 or $1,000 – and your insurer will adjust your premium accordingly. Also be sure if you need add-ons such as vehicle rental coverage. If your family can get by with a second car or you are a member of organizations like AAA, you may not need it.
When you think about it, the factors that insurers consider are common sense and/or statistically proven to predict the likelihood and cost of potential claims. The factors you can control, such as having a stellar driving record, maintaining coverage and responsibly paying your bills are some of the best ways to keep your car insurance costs at bay.
How Insurers Determine Your Auto Insurance Premium is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog
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I had to cancel my holiday but Holidaysafe travel insurance won’t pay
A relative of my travelling companion died so we both had to call off the trip – and I am £999 out of pocket
In September, I was due to go on holiday with a friend. A week before we were supposed to travel, her brother died suddenly of a heart attack. She obviously cancelled. I also cancelled and was extremely surprised when my insurance company, Holidaysafe, refused my claim. They took so long to reply, I had to ring them. This has left me £999 out of pocket.
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Top 10 Christmas holiday destinations
We reveal the most popular destinations for those who want to escape the UK over the festive period.
Let’s face it: Christmas in the UK isn’t all mistletoe and wine. As well as the festivities, this time of year can bring sub-zero temperatures, office party embarrassment and family tension bubbling beneath the surface.
With this in mind, you might decide to drop everything this Christmas in favour of a few days away. That only leaves one question… where to go?
According to research from discount site MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, Sydney is the most popular destination for Brits planning a break this year, followed by Dubai and New York City.
This data is based on the most searched-for terms related to Christmas breaks during the past three months.
‘Getting away for the Christmas period can be incredibly tempting, particularly given how stressful the thought of too much family time can be for many,’ said Mark Pearson, Chairman of MyVoucherCodes.co.uk.
‘It’s clear that some people want to get really far away from the annual game of Trivial Pursuit this year,’ he adds.
Most popular Christmas holiday destinations
1) Sydney
2) Dubai
3) New York City
4) Paris
5) Hong Kong
6) Venice
7) Cape Town
8) Tenerife
9) Copenhagen
10) Berlin
However tempting the idea of a Christmas break might seem, these holidays don’t come cheap – especially at a time when our budgets are already stretched.
Fortunately, Santa (well, BeatThatQuote.com) has a few tips on how to cut the cost of yuletide getaways.
Avoid rip-off credit card charges
If you’re using a credit card abroad, most lenders will load charges when you withdraw cash or make a purchase – normally between 2.5% and 3%.
To cut down on these fees, it might be wise to consider a card that allows you to make fee-free transactions abroad. For instance, Halifax’s Clarity Credit Card doesn’t charge borrowers a fee to use the card or withdraw money anywhere in the world.
Get the right travel insurance policy
Whenever you’re travelling abroad, it’s wise to consider travel insurance to protect your valuables and cover the cost of any medical treatment if something goes wrong.
When it comes to holidays over the Christmas period, it’s essential to pick the right type of policy. If you’ll be taking part in any activities such as skiing or snowboarding, you might need to add winter sports cover to your policy.
Set a strict budget for presents
If you and your other half are treating yourself to a trip away over Christmas, it might be sensible to forego presents entirely.
However, you might think this approach has tipped the balance from being frugal to Scrooge-like. If you absolutely have to give presents, try imposing a spending limit or even making your own gifts. While it might sound a bit cheesy, it could force you to get creative.
Now all that’s left to do is try not to get too nostalgic for Christmas pud and reruns of Santa Claus: The Movie come 25 December when you’re sunning yourself abroad.
For more articles like this, check out The £48,940 cost of your holidays and Holiday rip-offs revealed.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Friday, 16 January 2015
How you're putting your home at risk
From blocked guttering to an unswept chimney, we reveal the surprising ways you could invalidate your home insurance this winter.
Convinced you hate winter? Well, these months can be even more gruelling for our properties as they’re constantly assaulted by rain, snow and wind. In fact, any number of mishaps could cause tens of thousands of pounds in damage – a collapsed roof, a burst pipe, etc, etc…
Unfortunately your home insurer may not pay out if it believes you have been negligent with the maintenance of your property.
New data from insurance company AXA reveals that the company rejects around five percent of storm damage claims if the damage has been caused by poor maintenance, rather than extreme weather.
Despite this, some 59% of homeowners incorrectly believe their insurer will cover all weather-related damage.
‘Misconceptions about home insurance cover is an industry-wide problem that causes a lot of heartache for consumers,’ said James Barclay, home insurance underwriting manager at AXA.
‘There are some claims that we simply have to turn away as they are caused by obvious neglect and lack of investment in the property rather than the weather,’ he added.
How we’re neglecting our homes
Although most of us have probably postponed work around the house at one time or another, an alarming number of Brits fail to perform essential maintenance.
One in 10 of those surveyed was aware of a leaky roof, 15% have cracks in the walls and 10% have blocked or damaged drains.
While these issues may seem relatively minor, they could be a major factor contributing to severe storm damage.
Some 36% of those quizzed said they had not repaired the damage due to concerns over cost. Perhaps more shockingly, 3% confessed they were waiting for the problem to escalate before putting in an insurance claim.
Furthermore, an insurer may deem you have been negligent if an unswept chimney has caused a fire or untended crawling plants damage your brickwork. Bear in mind, these are issues that could occur at any time of year, not only in winter.
What if I take care of my home?
While homeowners who neglect their properties could be left with a hefty bill in the event of an unpaid insurance claim, this situation is more reassuring for those who keep their properties in good repair.
Most insurers should pay out for weather damage as part of a standard perils policy. One possible exception being if you live in an area with a high risk of flooding and your insurer specifically excludes flood-related damage in your policy.
Your insurance company will normally send a loss adjuster to visit the property who will subsequently appoint a contractor to oversee the repairs. A number of policies will also provide alternative accommodation should your home become uninhabitable.
Bear in mind, getting your home repaired may take longer during a city-wide incident when insurers and contractors are over-stretched.
For more stories like this, see The sneaky small print on insurance policies and Five car insurance secrets.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Vauxhall comes out on top for the 11th year running
Vauxhall has managed to produce the most commercial vehicles in the UK for the eleventh year running – beating its closest rivals by a significant number of units. The manufacturer managed to turn out an impressive 53,465 Vivaro-type vans from its Luton plant last year, while 5,373 Astravans rolled off its Ellesmere Port production line.
Hoping to cash in on some of the popularity, Renault is now producing its own version of the popular Vivaro, the Trafic, from its partner Nissan’s Barcelona plant this year. They should be available to buy in the UK later in 2013. Vauxhall UK Chairman and MD, Duncan Aldred said;
‘We are very proud of our manufacturing bases here in the UK, especially as we enter out 11oth year. Vauxhall has been building ans selling vehicles in Britain without interruption since 1903.’
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