Friday, 31 October 2014

Using Your Van Short Term? Then You Need A Temporary Van Insurance Cover

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All You Need To Know About Car Insurance

Nature of vehicle insurance

No doubt the mention of "car insurance premi (Read more ...)

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Tips On How To Limit The Losses On Your Van With A Van Insurance Cover

The main essence of a vehicle insurance policies are to protect against any kind of unforeseen disasters or incidents such as theft, accidents or fire. As a result, if perhaps your motor vehicle gets involved in an accident and gets damaged, your van policy protects it and it’s going to be repaired back to it’s original state. Realistically, car insurance policy is a massive relief for both vans and other automobile owners. Some individuals have this perception that van insurance is pretty expensive and therefore get frightened insuring their vehicles therefore breaking the law. Presently, getting cheap van insurance deal can be extremely very easy if you follow a few guidelines. –

A few of the criteria needed for securing a cheap van insurance are: ensuring that you have not claimed from your previous policy for up to 5 years or more; making sure that your van is always packed in a secured garage at night. It is a common belief that only commercial vans needs to be insured but this is not the case rather non-commercial van insurance is important for everyone who drives a van whether for commercial purpose or non commercial purpose.

Extra insurance coverage could be needed for those that use their vans consistently on a daily basis. For individuals and small corporations, vehicles are one of the easiest choice for the moving of products as well as services. Vans have become very depended upon by people and corporations nowadays. In the event that these vans get damaged, then it adversely affects the whole business entirely as movement of goods and services are restricted. In such an ideal situation, that’s where van insurance policy comes in, they would reimburse expenses and losses derived as a result of the damages in addition to getting the vehicle back on the road.

So that the policy holder can be rest assured of not suffering further financial consequences. Before obtaining your van insurance quotes online, always ensure you determine the appropriate cover that meets your requirements and suitability. Whether comprehensive, third party fire and theft or just third party only, paying for a cover you don’t really need would end up costing you more money. Basically, if your premium is less than 10 times your six months comprehensive insurance then you might not need to take out the policy because your van might not be worth taking out the comprehensive cover on.

Some individuals feel they can select a different cover in order to have a cheaper premium but use their vans for a purpose contrary to the purpose they have stated with their insurers, These is very unwise as such acts can invalidate one’s policy. Van insurance brings with it considerable amount of benefits and rest of mind as well against any future eventualities. To help business owners and sole proprietors carry on with their businesses when their vehicle is off road due to an accident, most insurance companies always provide courtesy vehicles for their policy holders.

Business owners most especially benefit from this huge benefit especially those that cannot do without their vans on a daily basis. The insurance of vans includes two major covers that includes comprehensive cover and third party fire and theft. Collision or third party fire and theft entails cover for third party vehicles that are involved with yours in an accident and also covers your vehicles against fire and theft. This coverage is offered mainly for collision with other third party vehicles in an event of any collision whatsoever.

However, in the event of any natural disasters like flood, hail, thunder storms earth quakes and so on then comprehensive cover is the most ideal policy to undertake for your vehicle. A lot of superb advice exists that can help lower the amount of insurance premium billed by insurance firms.

Below are a number of ways to obtain a cheap van insurance-

(I) if you are a good driver, then you can increase your deductible amount and also avoiding any claims in order to lower down your premium.

(II) Installing car alarms and immobilisers do prevent car theft and burglary to a certain extent that the insurance companies are willing to credit you for installing them on your vehicle. Security systems are very effective for deterring break ins and theft and insurance companies give discounts by reducing premiums on vehicles that have installed security systems.

(III) Another great way of acquiring cheap van insurance is by just doing your research other van insurance websites to obtain the cheapest quotes for your needs. Comparing various insurance quotes would help you unveil numerous quotes you never knew existed before.

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Thursday, 30 October 2014

New trick for Roth IRA savers

The IRS recently approved another way to get savings into a Roth via the back door.

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Long-term effects of tax votes

Candidates know that promises of lower taxes resonate with voters. But don't fall for immediate tax cuts that could cause more problems for you and yours later.

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Clean Diesel Sales Continue to Climb in U.S.

According to, sales of environmentally friendly diesel vehicles, or clean diesels, are up by 27.5%, compared to sales numbers at the same point last year. The article cited a recent study by and the automotive research and analysis company Baum and Associates. The study revealed that Americans have purchased 61,214 clean diesel-powered vehicles during the first six months of the year. Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that this figure does not include the sale of heavy-duty diesel pickup trucks. But while the sales numbers are significant, they still do not match the number of hybrids being sold in the U.S. According to the study, hybrid sales are up by 63.5% over 2011’s numbers, and beyond the sale of green vehicles, overall automobile sales increased by 14.9% as well.

For clean diesels, 2012 year marks the second straight year where sales have increased by double-digits. According to Allen Schaeffer, the executive director of the Diesel Technol…

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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

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Los Angeles is the Auto Fraud Capital of the World

By Aaron Crowe

Criminals committed $120 million in auto insurance fraud in California in fiscal year 2012-13, and 1,500 people have been arrested for auto fraud since 2011, according to state statistics.

The fraud includes medical mills, organized crime, collision rings, fraudulent claims, and organized groups of thieves committing economic theft, according to the Fraud Division of the state’s insurance commissioner. The crimes aren’t unique to California and are seen throughout the country, says Patrick Storm, a spokesman for the state Department of Insurance.

“Los Angeles is the auto fraud capital of the world,” Storm says. L.A. makes up nearly 43 percent of all auto related insurance fraud in California.

While specific numbers aren’t available from the state on how often each different type of fraud is committed, it does list the most typical types of insurance fraud in auto collisions. And like chain restaurants that are everywhere, these types of fraud aren’t unique to California but can be found nationwide. Here are some of them:

Swoop and Squat

A “swoop” vehicle swerves in front of the “squat” vehicle, causing the “squat” vehicle to slam on its brakes and cause a rear-end collision with the victim’s vehicle.

This is similar to a “sudden stop” scam where the “squat” vehicle slows down to close the gap between their vehicle and the victim’s vehicle, then brakes suddenly to cause a rear-end collision with the victim.

The swoop and squat is the most common form of a staged collision in California, according to the state Department of Insurance. The collisions are commonly perpetrated by organized crime. Stagers target high value vehicles such as commercial vehicles, expensive luxury cars and vehicles owned by cities or counties because there’s a virtual guarantee of insurance coverage.

Red flags of fraudulent collisions include:

  • The other car packed with passengers.
  • The other driver has a relatively new insurance policy.
  • The other car is in poor condition or has a “salvage” title.
  • Traffic was flowing smoothly and the other driver stopped suddenly.
  • The other driver or passengers made extra effort to avoid conversation about the other vehicles in the area.
  • There’s a witness that substantiates everything the other driver says.
  • The other driver and passengers all claim injury despite relatively minor collision damage to the vehicles.

An important step to take in any accident is to take photographs of the damage to your car, says Robert Passmore, senior director of the personal lines policy at the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America. Even if there isn’t much damage to your car, taking photos at the accident scene is important because they can show that it’s out of proportion to the injuries claimed by people in the other car in a faked accident, Passmore says.

Phantom and Paper Collisions

A paper collision is when people conspire to create the illusion of a legitimate accident using either pre-damaged vehicles or by intentionally and covertly inflicting damage to the suspect’s vehicle. Generally, law enforcement is called to the scene of the accident.

A phantom collision is a solo vehicle crash due to a vehicle of unknown origin or description.

In June in Los Angeles, an auto body shop owner and 19 others were arrested in an organized insurance fraud crime ring where phantom collisions were staged. Insurers recognized a pattern to insurance claims from the the main defendant and his friends and family. For a $500 bounty, they posed as insurance consumers and filed claims for collisions that were either staged or didn’t happen at all, according to investigators.

Up to 16 false claims were staged to receive more than $314,000 from seven insurance companies.

“This orchestrated phantom collision ring contributes to the multi-billion dollar drain on California’s economy due to insurance fraud,” state Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones said in a statement. “This is not a victimless crime. The cost of insurance fraud is borne by consumers who pay for it through higher premiums.”

Other Staged Collisions

These happen in various forms, such as when a victim’s vehicle collides with the suspect’s vehicle while backing out of the driveway or parking space in a parking lot.

There’s also the right of way auto collision where the suspect driver appears to give the right of way to the victim driver, usually in an intersection, causing the vehicles to collide. The suspect later claims no right of way was offered.

Some fraudsters stage a collision between each other. In June in Los Angeles, two people were arrested after allegedly staging a car collision and collecting $4,422 from three insurance companies. One person accidentally ran a red light, hitting the other co-conspirator’s car.

The same type of collision happened three months later at the same intersection with the same vehicles, though this time the car that was struck was the one that ran the red light. They filed another claim with another insurance company three months later using the same facts.

Auto insurance fraud is often viewed as a victim-less crime that only hurts insurance companies, or one of opportunity by people who may be having financial difficulties and need some quick cash. But it’s a crime that’s illegal and can end up costing all insurance policyholders in the long term with higher rates.

“When someone is stealing through insurance fraud, they’re stealing from everyone,” Passmore says.


Aaron Crowe is a personal finance writer who covers the auto industry for

Los Angeles is the Auto Fraud Capital of the World is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog

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Monday, 27 October 2014

European shares inch up, earnings help lift sentiment

European shares inched higher in early trading on Wednesday, extending the previous session's sharp gains, with a raft of positive corporate results from companies including ABB and Husqvarna lifting sentiment. ...

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Government bans CCTV parking enforcement cars

Which? Car: The Government has announced that CCTV 'spy cars' currently used to catch drivers for parking infringments are to be banned.

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Sail into Salzburg on 50th anniversary of The Sound of Music

New Saga river cruise includes two-night stay in hotel close to gardens where Maria and the Von Trapp children sang Do-Re-Mi


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Sunday, 26 October 2014

3 Smart Motorists Tricks For Paying Cheaper Premiums Every Year

Many businesses today can attribute their huge success to the everyday use of th (Read more ...)

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New DUI Laws in South Carolina

A tougher DUI bill that supporters say would save lives recently passed in the South Carolina Senate. The bill requires drivers convicted of a first-offense DUI with a blood alcohol level of .12 or above to install ignition interlocks on their cars. The bill passed by a vote of 41-0 just after 6 o’clock Wednesday evening. The state currently requires the interlocks for drivers upon a second or subsequent DUI. A driver is considered legally drunk with a blood alcohol level of .08, so this bill is targeting what are called “high-BAC” drivers. Ignition interlocks are small devices installed on cars and they require the driver to blow into them before starting the car. If the device detects alcohol of .02 or more, the car won’t start. The interlocks that would be used include a camera, to make sure that the person who is blowing into the device is the driver who’s required to have it. This bill would strengthen the penalties for not installing the interlocks.  Now, a first offense has a fine of $300, jail from 10 to 30 days, or both. Under the bill, a first offense for not having an interlock would be a fine of at least $500, 90 days in jail or six months home detention, and an extension of six months for requiring an ignition interlock. But it’s the repeat offenders who would really be hit hard. Now, a third or subsequent offense for not having a required interlock is a $1,000 fine and jail up to 90 days, or home detention from 90 days to six months. Under the bill, a third or subsequent offense would be a felony, with a fine of at least $5,000, prison up to 10 years or home detention for three years, and extending the required use of an ignition interlock by three years. The offenders would have to pay to install the devices on their vehicles. Ignition interlock manufacturers say they cost about $100 a month, but there’s an additional charge of $30 a month, which will provide interlocks for those drivers who can prove they can’t afford them, despite being able to afford a car, gas and SR-22 insurance.   Source:

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The &pound;48,940 cost of your holidays

Believe it or not, the average Brit takes 54 holidays during their lifetime and spends almost &pound;50,000 in the process. Here's how you can cut costs.

As the age of austerity shows little sign of abating, many of us may be forced to sacrifice our annual two weeks in the sun to make ends meet.

Despite the current financial squeeze, however, research from has found that the typical person takes 54 holidays during their lifetime &ndash; costing a whopping &pound;48,940.

Where exactly does this money go?

Flights and accommodation

When it comes to holidays, there&rsquo;s no denying that flights and accommodation are among the biggest expenses. According to;s data, the average person spends &pound;450 on flights and accommodation per holiday.

However, there are ways to cut back on your spending. For example, you could consider flying during the week, rather than on a Saturday or Sunday &#173;&ndash; the weekend is normally the most expensive time to travel.

You could also get a better deal if you fly at an unsociable time when fewer people are willing to travel &ndash; as long as you&rsquo;re willing to get to the airport at three a.m that is.

You could potentially save hundreds of pounds on your hotel bill if you opt for a less popular holiday destination.

Spending money

During a typical holiday, the average Brit will fork out as much as &pound;300 on spending money alone.

The trick is to ensure you don&rsquo;t spend more than you had budgeted for. Putting all your spending on a prepaid card could help you stick within your spending limit.

With one of these products, you load a certain amount onto the card before leaving the UK, which could be useful for those who struggle with self discipline on vacation. If you do run low on cash, you can always top up the card.

Travel insurance

Buying travel insurance is a wise move before any trip and this type of cover could pay out if your luggage is lost or you need to stay in the hospital.

With the data revealing that the average person spends &pound;16.30 on insurance per trip, many of us are already receiving a pretty competitive deal.

However, you could potentially find cheaper premiums by comparing a range of offers before buying your policy. Likewise, frequent travellers may also save by opting for annual multi-trip insurance, rather than paying for each trip separately.

What you might not have budgeted for&hellip;

Of course, the cost of your holiday isn&rsquo;t confined to the obvious big-ticket items and holidaymakers would be wise to factor in other miscellaneous costs too.

According to the research, we each spend a massive &pound;100 per holiday on clothes and accessories. Likewise, the cost of a transfer between the airport and the hotel is typically &pound;20 per person.

Finally, one of the most hated holiday rip offs is still costing us money as Brits are paying &pound;20 per person for airport parking. Although this might not sound too extortionate, it would total &pound;80 for a family of four.

What else can you get for &pound;48,940?

Now just imagine that you had never been on holiday in your life. How else could you have invested your cash? According to, this money could also get you:

A holiday home in Spain

A luxury all inclusive round the world cruise

A second hand helicopter

4,078 bottles of Nivea sun cream

A private island in South America

48,900 items from the pound shop (with change)

For more articles like this, check out Five of the craftiest holiday cons and Holiday rip-offs revealed.

**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**

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Saturday, 25 October 2014

Fewer audits mean more tax cheats

IRS examination of tax returns has been dropping. That means more filers are prone to fudge figures on their 1040s. But the agency still is collecting trillions of dollars.

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TfL online journey planner launched

Transport for London has now launched its online journey planner for delivery drivers in London during the Olympic Games. As the area will be manic for the duration of the games, delivery drivers can use the handy tool to plan routes which avoid certain no-go areas and therefore optimise efficiency during the Games. The planner shows delivery drivers the exact spots at which they can make drop offs in case of road closures and will show routes of any road events being carried out and how these will affect delivery times.

From July, the site will be refreshed every five minutes with up to date traffic information, and any issues which may affect drivers, their routes or timings. Overall, the tool will be a godsend to many freight operators, but the general advice is still to try and keep away from the area if possible as conditions will be hectic for drivers.

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New Minimum Coverage Requirements in Ohio

It is illegal to drive any motor vehicle in Ohio without insurance or other proof of financial responsibility. To comply with Ohio’s financial responsibility requirements, individuals must maintain insurance or get a bond.  If your driver’s license has been suspended and you are required to file an SR-22 in OH, a new law could make it more expensive to get your license back. An SR-22 shows the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) that you have at least the state minimum coverage for liability insurance. Most insurance companies file the SR22 with the BMV electronically. The required minimum for Bodily Injury Liability Coverage in Ohio is currently $12,500 per person injured in any one accident and $25,000 for all persons injured in any one accident.  The required minimum for Property Damage Liability Coverage is $7,500 for injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident. By December 22, 2013, new law raises the minimum limits to $25,000 per person injured in any one accident with a $50,000.00 maximum for all persons injured in any one accident. The minimum Property Damage Coverage will be $25,000 for property of others.  The law requires companies to begin issuing policies with these new limits for new and renewal business no later than December 22, 2013. Failure to keep your car insurance policy active when you have an SR-22 is a serious problem. If your policy has a lapse in coverage due to failure to make the payment, or for any other reason, will cause the SR-22 filing period to start over from the beginning. This could mean a minimum of another three years having the SR-22 filed with your insurance policy.   Source:

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Friday, 24 October 2014

Direct Group and Autonet sign product launch deal

Direct Group, the leading insurance services business based in Doncaster, has been appointed by Autonet to take over the provision of their Accidental Death Insurance product. The product launched successfully on the 16th of June.

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Four shocking insurance scams

With insurance fraud costing us all &pound;50 a year, we reveal four of the most egregious cases uncovered by investigators.

Each week, insurance companies uncover a massive 2,670 cases of fraud worth &pound;19 million, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI).

On an individual level, bogus insurance claims add &pound;50 to the average policyholder&rsquo;s annual insurance bill.

False home insurance claims are the most common type of fraud with 71,000 cases uncovered during 2011. Conversely, car insurance fraud is the most costly and the insurance industry saved &pound;541 million in 2011 by exposing 45,000 illegitimate claims.

While insurance fraud may be alarmingly common, some cases are more shocking than others. Here are four of the more extreme cases published alongside the ABI&rsquo;s research.

CASE ONE: The weakest necks in Europe

It&rsquo;s not difficult to believe that one person could be liberal with the truth &#173;&ndash; or even two or three, but this case of fraud involved a group of 30 men.

Alleging they were on the way to a greyhound racing meeting, the fraudsters hired a coach as transport.

During the journey, they staged an accident involving the car behind and later all claimed to be afflicted with whiplash &ndash; though the driver didn&rsquo;t feel the impact at all.

Upon investigation, it became apparent that the group hadn&rsquo;t booked any tickets for the supposed outing and four men were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit fraud.

According to the ABI, whiplash is the largest factor accounting for the rising cost of car insurance claims. In fact, the high incidence of such claims has given rise to an industry joke that Brits have the weakest necks in Europe.

CASE TWO: The most unlucky family in the UK?

While we all have spells of misfortune, one family tested the boundaries of credibility by putting in more than 100 claims for damage to their home.

The majority of these claims involved alleged storm damage to roofs and damage to walls caused by untraceable vehicles.

Upon discovery of the fraud, the culpable family members each received 15 months in prison.

CASE THREE: The &pound;3.2 million scam

If you thought the coach scam involving 30 people was a large, coordinated scheme, this case uncovered by Bedfordshire Police and the Insurance Fraud Bureau is even more shocking.

The investigation exposed a staged accident gang that it is believed was involved in 180 &lsquo;crash for cash&rsquo; accidents, which were associated with 230 insurance claims, worth &pound;3.2 million.

As a result of the investigation, 37 people were sent to prison.

CASE FOUR: Photo forgery

After cutting his thumb during a trip to the gym, one man attempted to put in a claim for a more serious injury. His proof? He attempted to substantiate his claim with a photograph he had downloaded from the internet.

Perhaps he didn&rsquo;t realise that insurers are likely to require something a little more concrete before paying out.

Crackdown on fraudsters

To accompany the research, the ABI has also announced the launch of the Insurance Fraud Register, which will contain profiles of people who have made illegitimate claims.

Otto Thoresen, ABI's Director General, said: &lsquo;The industry makes no apologies for its zero tolerance approach to insurance fraud. Honest customers are sick of footing the bill for insurance cheats, through higher insurance premiums.

&lsquo;The development of the Insurance Fraud Register [&hellip;] reinforces the strong message that insurance cheats can expect difficulties in obtaining future insurance, credit and other financial products, as well as getting a criminal record.&rsquo;

**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**

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The key to transitioning to retirement from working is planning. Not financial planning, per se, but life planning.

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Thursday, 23 October 2014

How to Avoid Buying a Flood Damaged Vehicle

Flooded cars can be a nightmare for their owners.

Flooded cars can be a nightmare for their owners. (image via

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

You’ve driven up to a car dealership. They have a few rows of cars of the specific make and model you’ve been interested in. They are each the current model year or perhaps just a model year behind. They all have low miles, but they’re not “new” cars. And the salesperson just cannot wait to get you into one, your choice of color and options, for a price that seems way below what you were expecting based on your research of the model.

But more than that seems “off” about some of these cars. Some of them seem to smell funny – a bitter, biting and musty smell greets your olfactory system as soon as you open the door, and there’s also a hint of “new car smell” spray and shampoo. In fact, it’s almost as if too much of that spray and shampoo smell has been applied to disguise the musty smells, and they all coalesce into a horrible shock to your senses.

“Don’t worry about that,” says your salesperson. “It’ll be gone in no time.”

Chances are, you might be about to purchase a vehicle that has been flooded.

Before we go further – it is possible to restore and refurbish a car that has been flooded, but it is not for the faint of heart. It requires disassembly of most of the interior, and replacement of all carpets, padding and upholstery. All electrical connections must be replaced.It is by no means a simple undertaking, and it must be done properly for the car to have any serviceable life. And you should know upfront what you’re buying and how detailed the restoration process is, not to mention exactly how the car was flooded. It may have been exposed to water filled with sewage, salt-water or perhaps the windows were down during a torrential downpour. It’s highly unlikely you will ever know.

While some may consider the savings on a flooded car worth the potential risks – just like many do with other automobiles with a salvage title – for most of us, they’re an experience best avoided. Here’s what you need to look for if you believe a car has been subjected to flooding in the past.

Check the Car’s Title.

Your first consideration should be the title. If the car has a clear, rather than a salvage title, make sure the dealership provides you with a vehicle history report based on the car’s VIN from a reputable industry leader, like Carfax, for example.

“Carfax should disclose that if they claim any damage from flooding to their insurance,” said Scott Bratton, a mechanic of 37 years and owner of Auto Check in Katy, Texas.

It is important to note that flood-damaged cars will only have incidents on the vehicle history report if it has been declared a total loss by an insurance company in the past. If the car was not totaled, the title will be clean and the history report may be as well. But the history report is a must, as it is possible for a car to be totaled in one state, and then shipped off to another state where eventually, a clean title is issued for the car.

“I would be concerned if it was a salvaged title. I’d ask why it was salvaged or why it was totaled. That could be due to a flood or a wreck that they went ahead and fixed with cash,” Bratton, whose customers bring in cars to be inspected before they’re purchased, explained. “For the most part I question them about where they’re buying it from. If it’s a Joe Blow lot on the side of the road then I’d really look into how they do business before I deal with them.”

Warning Signs

The musty smell isn’t the only possible hint of a flooded car. Check the car’s lights and reflectors. If they contain moisture, it is possible the car has been submerged. But the real evidence will likely be on the inside of the car.

  • Inspect the gauges on the dashboard. Again, moisture or other residues are what you are looking for. Test the operation of each gauge as well as the lighting of the gauges and the driver warning lights. They should all be operational.
  • Test everything in the car that’s electrical in nature: all switches, controls like headlights, turn signals, climate control system, stereo and any 12v auxiliary outlets. All should be operational. Check the visible wiring under the dashboard for brittleness and loss of flexibility.”If the water got high enough to get into the computers or modules, which are mounted under the seats, long-term they’ll start having problems as the moisture will cause a corrosion of the wires in the modules,” Bratton said.
  • Rust is another giveaway. Interior screws or bolts with visible rust indicate a water issue, Bratton explained. Also check the engine compartment and trunk for signs of rust as well. Any metal that is exposed – not painted or coated – and has been in contact with a significant amount of water will be rusted.
  • The padding underneath the carpet could be an indication as well since it tends to hold moisture for a long time. A visible water line could be another sign, but that would require pulling off the door panels.”If I suspected it was potentially water damaged I pull the carpet up and feel underneath it and see if the padding under the carpet has been replaced or if it feels wet,” Bratton said. “Normally we don’t pull carpets unless there’s a musty smell, because that’s hard to get rid of.”

    Other potential signs include sand or grit or mud that seems to be embedded into any cracks, crevices or in the upholstery itself.

If you find any of these issues on a car, it has likely been flooded. We’d recommend you walk away, regardless of the potential savings, unless the car has been completely refurbished. If it has been, any reputable dealer would let you know upfront the history of the car with details on how it was restored. If they are hiding or denying any knowledge, despite the evidence to the contrary, then they simply do not deserve your business.

Finally, check out our visual guide to inspecting a car for evidence of flooding. It offers an easy checklist of tips of where to look and what to look for to help you determine if a vehicle has been involved in a flood.

The post How to Avoid Buying a Flood Damaged Vehicle appeared first on

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Comments by the shadow health secretary that securing a GP appointment is as difficult as obtaining sought after concert tickets will ring come as no surprise to young and old alike, many of whom have found it increasingly difficult to get an appointment. Saga’s director of communications Paul Green commented:

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Old Mutual's wealth arm buys UK's Quilter Cheviot

Financial services group Old Mutual's wealth arm said on Friday it would buy money manager Quilter Cheviot from European private equity house Bridgepoint, strengthening its focus on richer customers. The 585 million pound ($941 million) purchase brings Old Mutual Wealth's assets under management to 92 billion pounds ($148 billion), a rise of more than 20 percent. The purchase will increase Old Mutual (Other OTC: ODMTY - news) 's exposure to the lucrative wealth management market, which is forecast to grow by between 6 and 8 percent a year. The deal would enable Old Mutual to offer investment management services to clients with more than 1 million pounds to invest, Old Mutual CEO Julian Roberts told Reuters, adding to existing "affluent" customers, who have at least 50,000 pounds.

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Why not have loan inspectors?

I have an idea: Let's set up a network of mortgage inspectors.

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Monday, 20 October 2014

Port operator fined over safety

A court has fined a Port of Tilbury berth operator £20,000 for safety failures that resulted in a worker having both legs amputated after they were crushed by a cargo container.

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The best and worst PIN numbers

Do you have one of the most predictable PIN numbers in the world? If so, your cash could be at risk.

I&rsquo;m going to try to guess your PIN number&hellip; is it 1234? According to new research, there is a pretty good chance I&rsquo;m right. If I were a criminal who had stolen your card, I could be emptying your account right now.

Shockingly, research by technology consultancy Data Genetics has found that almost 11% of the population chooses this number &ndash; with 1111 and 0000 being the second and third most popular options.

Not surprisingly, fraudsters have a pretty easy time cracking such predictable codes and the data reveals that it is possible to guess 10% of PINs in just one attempt.

In contrast, the random (and far less memorable) collection of numbers 8068 is the least common PIN &ndash; though there&rsquo;s a pretty good chance that will change now this research has been published.

In order to conduct the research, Data Genetics looked at the details of 3.4 million four-digit passwords that have been leaked via security breaches.

Although these codes are computer passwords, the study assumes that most people will use a similar set of numbers for their PINs.

Here are the 10 most common choices according to the data:

1. 1234

2. 1111

3. 0000

4. 1212

5. 7777

6. 1004

7. 2000

8. 4444

9. 2222

10. 6969

Source: Data Genetics

The least common PINs

Of course, not every PIN is so easy to guess. If there is no obvious pattern, it stands to reason that it will be more difficult to guess.

Here are the 10 least common:

1. 8068

2. 8093

3. 9629

4. 6835

5. 7637

6. 0738

7. 8398

8. 6793

9. 9480

10. 8957

Source: Data Genetics

How we choose our PIN

Many people appear to opt for significant dates such as birthdays and anniversaries as codes beginning with the numbers 19 feature highly in the list.

Fans of George Orwell don&rsquo;t appear overly concerned that Big Brother will guess their PIN &ndash; 1984 is the 26th most common choice. Likewise, fans of James Bond could possibly be using their PIN as a way to pay homage to their hero as 0007 is the 23rd most popular choice.

Keeping your PIN safe

Fortunately there are a number of things you can do to keep your PIN safe.

Avoid the obvious:

As well as the codes mentioned on the list above, stay clear of having your date of birth, your children&rsquo;s birthdays or a wedding anniversary.

In fact, try to keep it random &ndash; even the most scatterbrained individual can probably remember four numbers.

Keep it secret

Although you might be tempted to share your PIN with friends or family, this could leave you thousands of pounds out of pocket. If you were the victim of fraud and your bank discovered you had shared your PIN details, it might refuse to refund your money.

Take care at the cash machine

In order to steal PIN details, fraudsters place hidden devices and cameras in ATMs. Although these can be almost impossible to detect, it&rsquo;s wise to avoid any cash point that appears to have been damaged or vandalised.

Remember, a bank will never ask for details of your PIN number over the phone. If someone calls claiming to be from your bank and asks for this information, you&rsquo;re probably speaking to a fraudster.

For more articles like this, check out How you&rsquo;re putting your cash at risk and Is your bank password a hacker&rsquo;s dream?

**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**

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Need A Wonderful Discount On Your Van Insurance coverage? Then simply Stay clear of These kinds of Goof ups At All Cost

Looking for van insurance policy coverage need to be a very simple familiarity. You get the precise policy, acquire an excellent price and have your vehicle insured. But even the only responsibilities provide their unique potential risks fixed. Low Cost van insurance is a typical example in this. 

Expressly, it can be an easy course of, but it's important to be wary of potential points, similar to paying well over the chances or buying the unsuitable sort of cover fully. So that will help you steer clear of any such potential hindrances, right here is a guide to five of the most typical errors that people come up with when buying or restarting their vehicle insurance plan. 
1. Offering Wrong Details. Cars are generally intended as flexible vehicles.

Therefore the insurance coverage that protect them needs to take account of all these kinds of possible functions. This can put a a number of complexity to the application course of and may perhaps lead to needless flaws being created in the information you provide. For example, in the event you fail to call a daily car driver of your vehicle or simply declare that it's utilized for one objective when it's truly utilized for an additional, this could cause important issues.

Allowing for of which insurance coverage is a legal requirement, if your policy is undoubtedly invalidated by any errors, it's possible you'll experience more substantial challenges in comparison with merely finding it just a little difficult to make a successful compensation claim. 

2. Definitely not Checking Your Cover Before Restoring It.

A 12 months period could be a very very long time within the life of a van and a business. Several matters may amend throughout this era, some of which may have to be mirrored with your insurance. Failure in order to correctly update your particulars could result in many of the issues pointed out in the previous sections. While an affordable offer could also be what you really are pursuing, finally you need to possess van insurance coverage that will really provide you with the policy you desire.

Subsequently make sure you take the time to evaluate your renewal request consider this as an opportunity to make any kind of essential adjustments even if it is only a slight tweak within your expected twelve-monthly mileage or including a brand new individual. Use your present coverage as a sign and then make changes to match. Modifying the application through the time of your policy may end up charging you a standard fee every time, so it's value executing it anytime you could have the opportunity. 

3. Failing To Take A Look At the Rates Of Other Low Cost Insurance Organizations.

Whilst you is perhaps joyful together with your current insurer and have received a good quotation on your new policy, which do not mean that it might not become enhanced on elsewhere. Go online and have a look. Utilize your personal identical particulars with quite a lot of insurance companies and see whatever is accessible for your needs and figure out where savings might be derived without having to lower your primary level of policy. This is straightforward to undertake, and because of the Internet, it is amazingly reachable as well as fast too. As a result there should be absolutely no reason for spending extra for a similar policy via ignorance. 

4. Incorrectly Assuming They Are Of Identical Premiums Along With Other Insurance Organizations. 

Presently there usually are obvious same things amongst the two forms of packages; nevertheless, you will find additionally an analogous amount of variations that set them apart. When you are not careful you could neglect essential advice (once more, as detailed in the first part) or perhaps depart yourself hopelessly under insured. Understand your primary vehicle, what it is used for, where it is actually kept along with who will likely be driving it. Only by finding these ideal would you've a coverage that basically delivers the protection needed. 
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Proposed Policy. 
In the event that you are panicking that you simply have not applied the correct particulars and also exaggerated the extent of coverage that you expected, you are far more likely to pay out more than is actually strictly crucial in your insurance policy. In case you have not applied previously, seek the advice of someone who have to obtain recommendation or even talk to the insurance organisation to show you along the appropriate procedure.

A telephone enquiry is usually a great way to question unfamiliar issues while you go alongside, so long as you might have all the information to hand needless to say. 
If ever you are genuine concerning possessing the very best possible cheap van insurance package deal- however utterly stay away from all of these obstacles. The fact that these habits are confirmed to forestall you away from your ideal goal- saving you money in your van insurance monthly cost. 

There are alternative productive options to implement while hunting for ideas to pay a lesser van insurance monthly price-, less expensive van insurance quotes and even cheapest car insurance quotes also other procedures that will help you locate estimates in a short time.

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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Yay for consumer-friendly forms

Beginning Aug. 1, 2015, the Good Faith Estimate and Truth in Lending statement will be replaced by one brand-new document called the Loan Estimate. The new disclosure is a big improvement.

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Over 50s will agree that it's now harder to get a GP appointment than sought after concert tickets

Comments by the shadow health secretary that securing a GP appointment is as difficult as obtaining sought after concert tickets will ring come as no surprise to young and old alike, many of whom have found it increasingly difficult to get an appointment. Saga’s director of communications Paul Green commented:

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Learn to travel on the cheap

Rewards points expert advising racking up the points and taking trips when the deals are best.

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Saturday, 18 October 2014

Which? Money podcast: instant-access savings and the latest scams

Savings account restrictions revealed and how to guard against the latest scams. All in the latest Money podcast.

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Bristan shower pump warranty issue creates a cascade of woe

We took out an extended policy with D&G but our claim for a faulty Bristan pump was rejected

In 2011, we had a new power shower pump installed. The pump was made by Bristan, and at the time we were sent a letter by the company offering to extend the warranty until April this year. We did so, paying £39 for a BristanCare policy, supplied by Domestic & General.

In February this year, the pump failed so I called the number on the care plan. After some time, I was told that I should not have been sold the BristanCare policy in the first place, as it does not cover shower pumps. The only compensation I was offered was the return of the premium.

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Treasury takes in record $3 trillion

The federal deficit continues to fall, thanks in large part to the record number of taxes Uncle Sam collected in fiscal year 2014.

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Friday, 17 October 2014

Senior debt grows post-recession

Are seniors to blame for their new debt, or are their sons, daughters and grandbabies?

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Hot Car Deals – Mazda 2

Which? Car Deals: The Mazda 2 is a finely packaged, fun-to-drive supermini with a price tag almost as eye-catching as its well-proportioned bodywork.

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Lincoln beef firm fined over fall

A beef supplier from Lincoln has been fined and ordered to pay costs after a worker suffered serious injuries as the result of a fall at an abattoir.

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Need A Wonderful Discount On Your Van Insurance coverage? Then simply Stay clear of These kinds of Goof ups At All Cost

Looking for van insurance policy coverage need to be a very simple familiarity. You get the precise policy, acquire an excellent price and have your vehicle insured. But even the only responsibilities provide their unique potential risks fixed. Low Cost van insurance is a typical example in this. 

Expressly, it can be an easy course of, but it's important to be wary of potential points, similar to paying well over the chances or buying the unsuitable sort of cover fully. So that will help you steer clear of any such potential hindrances, right here is a guide to five of the most typical errors that people come up with when buying or restarting their vehicle insurance plan. 
1. Offering Wrong Details. Cars are generally intended as flexible vehicles.

Therefore the insurance coverage that protect them needs to take account of all these kinds of possible functions. This can put a a number of complexity to the application course of and may perhaps lead to needless flaws being created in the information you provide. For example, in the event you fail to call a daily car driver of your vehicle or simply declare that it's utilized for one objective when it's truly utilized for an additional, this could cause important issues.

Allowing for of which insurance coverage is a legal requirement, if your policy is undoubtedly invalidated by any errors, it's possible you'll experience more substantial challenges in comparison with merely finding it just a little difficult to make a successful compensation claim. 

2. Definitely not Checking Your Cover Before Restoring It.

A 12 months period could be a very very long time within the life of a van and a business. Several matters may amend throughout this era, some of which may have to be mirrored with your insurance. Failure in order to correctly update your particulars could result in many of the issues pointed out in the previous sections. While an affordable offer could also be what you really are pursuing, finally you need to possess van insurance coverage that will really provide you with the policy you desire.

Subsequently make sure you take the time to evaluate your renewal request consider this as an opportunity to make any kind of essential adjustments even if it is only a slight tweak within your expected twelve-monthly mileage or including a brand new individual. Use your present coverage as a sign and then make changes to match. Modifying the application through the time of your policy may end up charging you a standard fee every time, so it's value executing it anytime you could have the opportunity. 

3. Failing To Take A Look At the Rates Of Other Low Cost Insurance Organizations.

Whilst you is perhaps joyful together with your current insurer and have received a good quotation on your new policy, which do not mean that it might not become enhanced on elsewhere. Go online and have a look. Utilize your personal identical particulars with quite a lot of insurance companies and see whatever is accessible for your needs and figure out where savings might be derived without having to lower your primary level of policy. This is straightforward to undertake, and because of the Internet, it is amazingly reachable as well as fast too. As a result there should be absolutely no reason for spending extra for a similar policy via ignorance. 

4. Incorrectly Assuming They Are Of Identical Premiums Along With Other Insurance Organizations. 

Presently there usually are obvious same things amongst the two forms of packages; nevertheless, you will find additionally an analogous amount of variations that set them apart. When you are not careful you could neglect essential advice (once more, as detailed in the first part) or perhaps depart yourself hopelessly under insured. Understand your primary vehicle, what it is used for, where it is actually kept along with who will likely be driving it. Only by finding these ideal would you've a coverage that basically delivers the protection needed. 
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Proposed Policy. 
In the event that you are panicking that you simply have not applied the correct particulars and also exaggerated the extent of coverage that you expected, you are far more likely to pay out more than is actually strictly crucial in your insurance policy. In case you have not applied previously, seek the advice of someone who have to obtain recommendation or even talk to the insurance organisation to show you along the appropriate procedure.

A telephone enquiry is usually a great way to question unfamiliar issues while you go alongside, so long as you might have all the information to hand needless to say. 
If ever you are genuine concerning possessing the very best possible cheap van insurance package deal- however utterly stay away from all of these obstacles. The fact that these habits are confirmed to forestall you away from your ideal goal- saving you money in your van insurance monthly cost. 

There are alternative productive options to implement while hunting for ideas to pay a lesser van insurance monthly price-, less expensive van insurance quotes and even cheapest car insurance quotes also other procedures that will help you locate estimates in a short time.

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