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Sunday, 30 November 2014
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EU mergers and takeovers (Nov 10)
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Saturday, 29 November 2014
Different Car Insurance Rates Among Different States
If you were to compare car insurance rates by state you’d find that similar drivers with similar vehicles pay different rates depending on the state where they live. This is one of the curious aspects of car insurance a lot of people don’t understand. That misunderstanding comes by way of the fact that so many drivers think of cheap car insurance as a static product similar to a computer or television set. By “static” we mean a product that comes off a production line and is identical among all pieces of the same line.
The thing about car insurance is that it’s not static. For example, two different drivers may both have collision and comprehensive coverage on their vehicles but pay different rates for it. This makes complete sense when you consider one driver owns a BMW while the other driver owns a Kia. The values of their respective vehicles heavily influence the cost of their collision and comprehensive insurance.
United States of America
In terms of the various states, here are a couple of things that influence auto insurance quotes:
State Laws – Far and away the biggest influence on cheap auto insurance at the state level comes by way of insurance regulations. A state where insurance is heavily regulated to the point that it chokes out competition will see higher car insurance costs. Other regulatory conditions that contribute to annual premiums include minimum liability requirements, taxes and fees, how the state’s high risk pools are funded, and how traffic violations are dealt with.
Population Density – Population density is another big factor at the state level. States with high population densities such as California and Massachusetts have the potential for higher insurance rates because there are more drivers on the road to cause accidents.
Accident Rates – The different states experience different accident rates depending on a whole host of factors. Weather, average driver age, road conditions, and economic conditions all play a part in influencing accident rates. Like population density, a state with a higher rate of accidents per capita will see that reflected in car insurance quotes.
Job Outlook – Believe it or not insurance statistics show a greater propensity for insurance claims among specific occupations. Insurance companies can look at those statistics from one state to the next and partially determine rates of accident claims based on occupation and income levels.
Suffice it to say there are a number of things at the state level that contribute to how much you and I pay for insurance. When you’re searching for car insurance quotes, it’s best not to about worry what your cousin and his neighbor are paying two states away. Your state is what it is and that’s not likely to change. By the same token, if you’re thinking of moving to another state and you’re not restricted in your choices, taking into account the likelihood you’ll be able to find cheap car insurance may be a factor in your decision.
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A Pleasant Experience in a Difficult Situation
The post A Pleasant Experience in a Difficult Situation appeared first on SR22 Insurance.
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The £2,817 fortune in your attic
Can’t be bothered to clean out your attic? Perhaps the possibility of making £2,800 would motivate you.
The average UK homeowner has £2,813 of clutter going unused in their attic, according to research from the Co-operative Bank.
Common items stored away include books, children’s toys and Christmas decorations. Shockingly, 22% of people have as many as five TVs collecting dust in the loft.
However, few of us appreciate we could be sitting on a potential gold mine. When asked to estimate the value of the goods in their attic, people guessed an average of £559 – less than a fifth of the potential worth.
Surprisingly, some 30% of those surveyed wouldn’t consider parting with their clutter in order to make some cash.
James Hillon, Head of Home and Family at the Co-operative Bank said: ‘For many, just the thought of having a clear-out is a cause of worry, so much so that the term ‘hoarder disorder' has been coined to explain the scientific symptoms and medical reasons behind our hoarding habits.’
But just how would you go about making a little extra cash and break the hoarding habit?
Selling online
Although your first thought might be to opt for a well-known site such eBay or Amazon, there are plenty of alternatives so it could be worth doing your research.
Preloved is a site dedicated to selling second-hand goods and allows you to place a free ad without any listing or selling fees.
With musicMagpie, users can earn extra cash by trading in their old CDs, DVDs, games and technology.
Rather than selling your stuff in an auction, the site pays a set amount for each item – you can find out how much your goods are worth by entering the barcode or the name and model.
If you use online charity bookstore Green Metropolis, you’ll receive £3 for every book you sell – though you’ll need to cover the cost of postage yourself and this can range from 50p to £2.50.
Alternatively, you can become a charity seller and 50p or £1 of your profit for each book will be donated to a nominated charity.
Car boot sales
If you can brave the early start, you could dispose of your clutter by having a car boot sale.
Websites such as Yourbooty.co.uk and CarBootJunction contain listings of sales in your area or you could try checking the local paper to find a suitable venue.
Remember, if you want to bag a decent pitch, it could be worth turning up as early as possible to beat the competition.
Also, be prepared to haggle over price ­– many seasoned car booters will be in the market for a bargain and might try to put in a cheeky offer.
If your main goal is to spring clean, however, consider lowering your prices toward the end of the day if you need to get rid of excess stock.
This suggestion will perhaps work best for those with a creative bent or a talent for DIY.
Upcycling is the process of transforming items you no longer need into new, more useful objects.
Cutting up unwanted clothing and using it to cover stains or tears on other material is an obvious example. However, you can check out websites such as this for more tips.
For more articles like this, see Six top money-saving websites and Do you have a hidden fortune?
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Friday, 28 November 2014
Eight top money-saving apps
Buying a smartphone isn’t cheap, but did you know these devices could also save you money?
If you own a smartphone, you probably love the convenience of having the internet and GPS quite literally at your fingertips.
However, these devices can also be fantastic money-saving resources. Here are eight of our favourite financial apps.
1. RedLaser
By using your phone’s camera, you can scan in an item’s barcode and RedLaser will compare prices in local shops and online retailers.
You can also use the app to check stock levels and reserve items you’d like to buy.
Available on iPhone, Windows Phone and Android
2. Nosey Parker
With this app, iPhone users can search for the cheapest and safest parking spaces near their current location.
Nosey Parker could be especially useful for anyone who frequently drives in busy city centres or visits areas they’re not familiar with.
Available on iPhone
3. Vouchercloud
By using GPS technology, Vouchercloud pinpoints the vouchers and offers nearest you. Once you have found a deal, the voucher will be delivered to your mobile.
After you have downloaded the voucher, you can either use it immediately or save it for the future.
Available on iPhone, Windows Phone, Android and BlackBerry
4. Wine Search
If you enjoy the occasional glass of vino, you probably know that this particular indulgence can be pretty pricey.
With this app, you can compare prices in various shops and also on restaurant wine lists.
In another interesting feature, you can also see the mark-up that the restaurant charges – which could be pretty infuriating for a frugally minded oenophile.
Available on iPhone
5. CashPointer
Not being able to find a cashpoint can be infuriating and being charged to withdraw your own money can be even more annoying.
CashPointer allows you to search for the nearest ATMs in your area and even specify if you’re looking for a machine that doesn’t charge.
Available on iPhone
6. UK Salary Calculator
If you’ve accepted a new job, had a promotion or a rise, this app gives you an overview of your new financial position.
It will break your salary down into an hourly, daily and monthly wage and also takes into account factors such as National Insurance contributions, student loan deductions and pension contributions.
Available on iPhone
7. Onavo
If you would get more benefit from your phone’s data allowance, Onavo’s makers claim this app could extend your usage by up to five times.
The app routes all your internet usage through its own servers, compresses the data and send it back to your phone.
Available on iPhone and Android
8. British Gas meter readings
If your energy bill is based on estimated usage figures, there’s a strong chance you’re either over- or underpaying on your bills.
However, British Gas customers can submit their own, actual readings using the company’s app, which will help ensure their bills are accurate.
Available on iPhone and Android
If you’re with another energy provider, it could be worth checking whether your supplier offers a similar service for smartphones.
Remember, these are just a sample of our favourite money-saving apps and there are countless others out there.
For more articles like this, see Beat bank charges with your phone, Six top money-saving websites and Three ways to make money online.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Western Canada Employer Educator Oil & Gas Forum

This presentation was given on November 27, 2014 at the Western Canada Employer Educator Oil & Gas forum. This slide deck gives an overview of the Council’s labour market outlooks for Canada, as well as a closer look at the oil sands sector.
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Thursday, 27 November 2014
How Auto Insurance Carriers Offer Special Discounts For Government Employees
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Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Tips On How To Limit The Losses On Your Van With A Van Insurance Cover
The main essence of a vehicle insurance policies are to protect against any kind of unforeseen disasters or incidents such as theft, accidents or fire. As a result, if perhaps your motor vehicle gets involved in an accident and gets damaged, your van policy protects it and it’s going to be repaired back to it’s original state. Realistically, car insurance policy is a massive relief for both vans and other automobile owners. Some individuals have this perception that van insurance is pretty expensive and therefore get frightened insuring their vehicles therefore breaking the law. Presently, getting cheap van insurance deal can be extremely very easy if you follow a few guidelines. – http://www.cheapestvaninsurance.org/
A few of the criteria needed for securing a cheap van insurance are: ensuring that you have not claimed from your previous policy for up to 5 years or more; making sure that your van is always packed in a secured garage at night. It is a common belief that only commercial vans needs to be insured but this is not the case rather non-commercial van insurance is important for everyone who drives a van whether for commercial purpose or non commercial purpose.
Extra insurance coverage could be needed for those that use their vans consistently on a daily basis. For individuals and small corporations, vehicles are one of the easiest choice for the moving of products as well as services. Vans have become very depended upon by people and corporations nowadays. In the event that these vans get damaged, then it adversely affects the whole business entirely as movement of goods and services are restricted. In such an ideal situation, that’s where van insurance policy comes in, they would reimburse expenses and losses derived as a result of the damages in addition to getting the vehicle back on the road.
So that the policy holder can be rest assured of not suffering further financial consequences. Before obtaining your van insurance quotes online, always ensure you determine the appropriate cover that meets your requirements and suitability. Whether comprehensive, third party fire and theft or just third party only, paying for a cover you don’t really need would end up costing you more money. Basically, if your premium is less than 10 times your six months comprehensive insurance then you might not need to take out the policy because your van might not be worth taking out the comprehensive cover on.
Some individuals feel they can select a different cover in order to have a cheaper premium but use their vans for a purpose contrary to the purpose they have stated with their insurers, These is very unwise as such acts can invalidate one’s policy. Van insurance brings with it considerable amount of benefits and rest of mind as well against any future eventualities. To help business owners and sole proprietors carry on with their businesses when their vehicle is off road due to an accident, most insurance companies always provide courtesy vehicles for their policy holders.
Business owners most especially benefit from this huge benefit especially those that cannot do without their vans on a daily basis. The insurance of vans includes two major covers that includes comprehensive cover and third party fire and theft. Collision or third party fire and theft entails cover for third party vehicles that are involved with yours in an accident and also covers your vehicles against fire and theft. This coverage is offered mainly for collision with other third party vehicles in an event of any collision whatsoever.
However, in the event of any natural disasters like flood, hail, thunder storms earth quakes and so on then comprehensive cover is the most ideal policy to undertake for your vehicle. A lot of superb advice exists that can help lower the amount of insurance premium billed by insurance firms.
Below are a number of ways to obtain a cheap van insurance-
(I) if you are a good driver, then you can increase your deductible amount and also avoiding any claims in order to lower down your premium.
(II) Installing car alarms and immobilisers do prevent car theft and burglary to a certain extent that the insurance companies are willing to credit you for installing them on your vehicle. Security systems are very effective for deterring break ins and theft and insurance companies give discounts by reducing premiums on vehicles that have installed security systems.
(III) Another great way of acquiring cheap van insurance is by just doing your research other van insurance websites to obtain the cheapest quotes for your needs. Comparing various insurance quotes would help you unveil numerous quotes you never knew existed before.
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IEEE Predict That 75% of Cars Will Be Autonomous By 2040
While flying cars and homes built high into the sky still seem to be out of reach for the foreseeable future, one group of experts believes that we'll see sweeping changes in the way we travel by car in the coming years. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have made the bold prediction that 75% of the world's vehicles will be autonomous by 2040.
The group, which contains the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, are putting their faith in the autonomous vehicle as the most promising form of intelligent transportation of the future. While it may seem like a bold prediction, one of the group's senior members, Dr. Alberto Broggi (a professor of computer engineering at the University of Parma in Italy) is already an expert on the subject. Broggi was the director of a 2010 project that enabled two driverless cars to successfully complete an 8,000-mile road trip from Parma to Shanghai, China.
When it comes to transportation, one of the more obvious hurdles that must be overcome is the need to establish and build infrastructure, which the group believes already gives autonomous cars an advantage compared to other forms of transportation. Broggi believes that autonomous cars of tomorrow could simply travel on existing roadways (with modified traffic control systems in place), sparking dramatic changes to intersections, traffic flows, and highways, which will all but end the need for drivers' licenses.
Broggi and his colleagues anticipate that driverless cars will operate by using sensors equipped in each vehicle that will allow vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, which will mean the end for traffic lights and stop signs. Broggi believes that intersections equipped with sensors, cameras, and radar systems will monitor and control traffic flow, helping to promote more efficient traffic patterns, and help eliminate driver collisions.
Dr. Azim Eskandarian, the director of the Center for Intelligent Systems Research and IEEE member, believes that new traffic flow systems combined with more autonomous vehicles on the road will revolutionize highway travel as well. He believes that future highways will utilize their own designated lanes for autonomous and traditional vehicles, which will help minimize traffic jams, increase efficiency, and allow for faster speeds. This will enable autonomous vehicles to travel more safely than they would in traditional highway traffic, and enable the self-driving vehicles to drive faster with closer gaps between cars while platooning – having a lead car with other autonomous cars in tow. In fact, Broggi said that he believes autonomous cars should be able to safely travel at speeds up to 100 mph.
While potential benefits of using the system could truly be breakthrough, there are a number of obstacles that must be overcome before autonomous cars can become a reality. For the IEEE, the biggest roadblock will be the consumer. So far, drivers have remained hesitant to get behind the widespread adoption of driverless cars, according to the IEEE. However, the advent of new technologies, such as self-parking features, auto-brake, and lane-departure assistance systems, may help change consumers' minds as they trickle down to more affordable vehicles.
The post IEEE Predict That 75% of Cars Will Be Autonomous By 2040 appeared first on CarInsuranceQuotes.net.
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Are ‘doorbuster’ sales price-protected?
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Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Reasons To Insure Your Vehicle Every Time?
Throughout the years, vehicle insurance policy has been on the rise- it has presently develop to be a portion of 'household' overheads and obtaining a less costly premium is undoubtedly speedily getting to be an illusion compared with reality. Regardless of how costly vehicle insurance charges could be- they're still crucial for driving any automobile on the road.
- You may incur endorsements on your licence which may hinder your ability to secure a job that involves driving or even risk losing your licence all together.
- Bans are often given to drivers without a valid insurance coverage on their vehicle, however, large fines do accompany these fines depending on the degree of the offence.
- Offenders do get minimal or massive fines which will depend on how severe the offense might be- some offence may carry up to a maximum fine of £3000 if it endangers life or property.
- It might be astonishing, but people do get imprisoned in some special situations.
- The 3 levels of cover you can select from includes: comprehensive, third party fire and theft and third party only.
- Your level of excess is a major determining factor on your premium- the higher your excess, the lower your premium respectively.
- Compare quotes by shopping around. Quotes differ from one insurance company to another- the more insurers you approach the more likelihood of you getting a cheaper premium.
- Always observe the special conditions that applies to your policy- whether you're protected when you drive within other European countries, are you entitled to a courtesy vehicle should your car be out on repairs? are you allowed to drive other cars with the owners permission?
- Buying a vehicle within lower car insurance groups. Some examples of cars within the low insurance group bracket includes: Vauxhall Corsa, Fiat Punto and Nissan Micra because of their small engine sizes. High insurance premiums are allocated to bigger engine cars while smaller engine vehicles attract lower premiums.
- Increasing your level of excess would inadvertently reduce your car insurance premiums quiet significantly. voluntary excess is the amount you pledge to contribute in the event of an accident while compulsory excess is what you must pay out. Try not to inflate your the amount too high unless you're comfortable paying it.
- Securing your vehicle in a locked up garage every night limits the risk of theft and damage. Minimizing the risk of criminal damage, burglary and theft should enable your insurer offer you cheaper premiums in return.
- Install security systems like alarms, immobiliser and even trackers.
- Using price comparison websites to shop and compare quotes helps you save money and valuable time- websites like Websites enables you to compare up to 110 companies within a few minutes, all done by filling one quote form.
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Monday, 24 November 2014
Auto Insurers Raise Rates on Customers Who Don’t Shop Around
By Aaron Crowe
Many auto insurance companies are raising rates on loyal customers who don’t shop around for better rates, even if they have a perfect driving record.
Inertia, it turns out, can be expensive.
That’s the conclusion of the Consumer Federation of America, which recently issued a warning against what it calls a “new auto insurer pricing scheme.” Insurance companies are using a practice called “price optimization,” or “PO,” to use personal consumer data and statistical models to measure how likely each customer is to shop around and how much of a price increase they’ll tolerate.
People who may be vulnerable to price increases do such things as staying with one insurer for many years, never calling the company with complaints, or buying insurance through an agent rather than online. A customer who doesn’t shop online for auto insurance, for example, can see their rates rise higher than the 5-10% discount they’ll get for being a loyal customer.
“If two people have the same risk and have different prices — that is the classic definition of unfair discrimination and is illegal in every state,” says Robert Hunter, director of insurance at CFA.
Point of no return
The PO software can measure the expected payment amount when a customer is likely to leave, and how unlikely they are to leave if they’ve been a longtime customer, Hunter says. Using PO can add a 35% profit from a customer, he says.
Many insurance companies, including about half of the larger ones, raise a driver’s premium if they conclude the driver isn’t likely to leave their company, according to the CFA. Millions of drivers are possibly being charge a premium that’s higher than the amount considered appropriate and fair for their risk profile, the CFA says.
Most customers are tolerant, to a degree, says Tim Glowa, co-founder of Bug Insights and a marketing analytics and human resources consultant. “But there is a limit to price changes,” Glowa says.
“One of the biggest mistakes any organization can make is to think of customers as being captive and loyal, especially in the absence of price as a contributing factor,” he says. “They might be inert, but that is not the same as being loyal.”
Even if you consider yourself a loyal user of a product, there’s always something that could be done to get you to switch to a competitor, Glowa says. It can be a mistake — such as raising prices, dropping product features or lowering customer service standards. Or it can be something that a competing company does, such as lowering prices, improving product features or improving customer service.
“But this is an overlooked, universal truth — customer loyalty is a fallacy,” he says. “There is always something that could be done to get a sticky customer to move.”
An airline, for example, could attract customers from a competitor by improving service and offering fares that are 50% lower.
To raise fees on inert customers, insurance companies can do better than studying how much of a price increase will get them to move, Glowa says. Instead, optimize the entire product.
His company’s research suggests that 10-20% of a product’s costs are “wasted” by giving customers things they don’t value or appreciate. Few product features have a perceived value that’s equal to the cost of delivering. A better method, Glowa says, is to identify features that are relatively inexpensive to deliver, yet produce a disproportionate amount of value to customers. Then, a price increase is easier to swallow when product value is increased.
What consumers can do
Shopping around is the first, and possibly the best, thing that consumers can do to avoid being PO’d. Twenty-four percent of drivers never shop for auto insurance, 34% rarely shop and 16% only shop every few years, the CFA found. That adds up to about three-quarters of policyholders being “sitting ducks” for PO.
CFA found one policyholder who shopped recently after having some large premium increases over several years, with the 2012 renewal offer for about $700 for six months of coverage. The person shopped around and got an offer from another insurer for just under $550. The quote was shared with the original insurer and the $700 quote was dropped to under $500.
While shopping online is good idea, shoppers should be aware that online price quotes can lead to high commissions, and not all of the good insurance companies may offer quotes online, Hunter says.
Longtime customers should also call their insurer and ask if they’re being PO’d, or at least tell them of lower prices they’ve found elsewhere.
“The better way to get a straight answer is to tell them you’ve shopped around and see what happens,” Hunter says.
Consumers should call their state’s insurance commissioner to ask that they stop insurance companies from using price optimization, Hunter says. Contact information for insurance commissioners is listed by state at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
Aaron Crowe is a journalist who covers the auto industry for CheapCarInsurance.net.
Auto Insurers Raise Rates on Customers Who Don’t Shop Around is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog
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HSBC sets aside $378m for potential forex-rigging fines
HSBC warned it was braced for a $378m (£237m) penalty for rigging currency markets, taking the total amount set aside by Britain’s banks over the scandal to more than £1bn.
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Sunday, 23 November 2014
When is a Car Considered “Totaled”?
Recently a New Jersey father took his young son down to a local river to watch and feed the birds. As he slowed the vehicle in preparation to park it, the boy bolted from the car and headed for the river’s edge. The understandably panicked father also jumped out of the vehicle to prevent his son from falling down the embankment. While he saved his son, his vehicle went off the road, rolled down the embankment, and ended up in the water.
The story has a happy ending as far as father and son are concerned, but the vehicle is another story. Although it started right up as soon as police fished it from the water, the owner told reporters he assumed his car insurance company would total it.
His comment raises an interesting question. If the engine runs normally and there appears to be no major structural damage, why would an insurance company total it? To understand that, we must look at some other factors.
What It Means to Be “Totaled”
Before talking about the vehicle and the damage it might have sustained, it’s important to first understand what it means when a car is “totaled.” When a car insurance company uses that designation they are essentially saying the car is a total loss from a financial standpoint. In other words, regardless of whether the owner purchased the cheapest car insurance possible or a top-of-the-line policy, the insurance company has decided they will spend less money to replace it then to repair it.
In most states when a car insurance company totals a vehicle they take ownership of that vehicle once the owner accepts a claim check and cashes it. If the insurance carrier believes it can make a little money by selling the vehicle at a salvage auction they will make arrangements to come and tow it from the customer’s property. If they decide they can’t make any money they will sometimes tell the customer to dispose of it as they see fit. Either way, the car insurance company has the final say.
What May Have Happened
In the case of a New Jersey man, we don’t know exactly sort of damage was incurred by his vehicle. But there are couple of things we can speculate on. First of all, regardless of whether or not he had cheap car insurance we can say that he did have collision and comprehensive coverage; otherwise, the idea of the insurance company totaling the vehicle would be irrelevant. Knowing that, we can look at a couple of things that might have driven the repair costs too high.
If the front end of the vehicle suffered body damage when it hit the river bed, or perhaps dents and dings on its way down the hill, they could result in repair costs of up to several thousand dollars. The insurer must also consider having the engine taken apart and checked for water damage despite the fact the vehicle started right up.
Third, there’s the issue of drying out the vehicle’s interior; this might be the most costly part of the procedure. In order to prevent mold from growing the car’s interior would have to be dismantled, disinfected, and properly dried. That job would probably be worth at least several thousand dollars if the potential water damage was serious.
If you add up the costs of all three types of repair work it’s conceivable a claim could cost the car insurance company $8K-$10K. If the vehicle is more than three or four years old it could be replaced for less money.
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Problems Of A Good Van Insurance Discount- Things To Refrain From Doing
Cheap van insurance is a chief instance on this. In writing, it is an easy process, however you need to be wary of potential issues, similar to spending above the odds or even having the flawed sort of policy totally. Consequently to help you avoid any such likely stumbling blocks, here is a information to 5 of the most typical pitfalls that individuals come up with when buying or renewing their van insurance coverage policy.
1. Providing Incorrect Data.
Vans are usually designed as multi-purpose vehicles. Therefore the actual insurance that protect them must provide account considering all of these likely functions. This may give a a number of difficulty to the applying course of and should even lead to unnecessary issues being prepared in the info a person present.
For instance, should you fail to call an everyday driver of your vehicle or perhaps declare that it is used for a purpose when it's truly used for another, this will cause major matters. Bearing in mind that insurance coverage is a authorized requirement, in case your coverage is undoubtedly invalidated through mere inaccuracies, it's possible you'll experience more considerable issues compared with simply discovering it slightly difficult to make a successful compensation claim.
2. Never Checking Your actual Cover Before Restoring It.
A 12 months period is usually a very long time within the lifetime of a vehicle and a corporation. Various matters can modify during this era, a few of which may need to be reflected within your insurance coverage. Lack of ability in order to correctly replace the particulars might lead to lots of the problems featured in the earlier part. Whilst an inexpensive offer may be just what you are after, in the end you need to possess vehicle insurance that can truly provide you with the cover you desire.
Subsequently be sure you spend time to assessment your current renewal request consider this as a chance to create just about any necessary modifications simply whether it is just a trivial modification as part of your expected twelve-monthly mileage or adding a new individual. Use your current coverage as a sign after which make modifications to accommodate. Modifying it throughout the time of your policy can end up costing you a typical payment each occasion, therefore it is price doing it whenever you will have the opportunity.
3. Not Bothered To Take A Look At the Quotations Of Other Insurers.
Whilst you could be glad together with your current insurance firm and have received a decent offer for your new policy, which can in no way mean that it will possibly definitely not possibly be improved upon somewhere else. Get on-line and investigate. Use your same particulars along with a variety of van insurers and determine everything that is offered for your needs plus pick out where savings might be generated without the need to lower your stage of cover.
It is easy to undertake, and because of the Internet, it is amazingly reachable as well as quick as well. So there is absolutely no excuse for paying extra for a similar policy by way of ignorance.
4. Assuming They Are Of Similar Quotations Together With Other Insurance Organizations.
Certainly, there are apparent same things amongst the two forms of cover; however, there are additionally an identical quantity of variations that will mark them apart. For those who usually are not necessarily cautious you possibly can skip essential knowledge (once more, as specified within the first part) or even depart yourself seriously under protected. Perceive your main car, actually is used for, where it is actually kept as well as whom might be utilizing it. Only by finding these right would you have a coverage that really gives the coverage required.
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Advised Add On.
For those who panicking that you simply had not implemented the correct particulars or maybe exaggerated the extent of cover that you wanted, you are way more likely to fork out greater than is actually strictly obligatory on your insurance cover. In the event you hadn't applied beforehand, consult any individual that has to obtain advice and even get in touch the insurance organisation for them to guide you through the appropriate procedure. A telephone query is usually a great way to question issues while you actually go alongside, so long as you have all the knowledge handy obviously.
Provided you're absolutely serious pertaining to discovering the perfect achievable cheap van insurance offer then you should just keep clear of these kind of obstacles. On the grounds that these tendencies are sure to discourage you from your preferred target- to save funds with your van insurance rates. Presently there are alternative effective selections to adopt any time you are wanting for alternatives to pay off a much lower van insurance insurance rate- 6 month van insurance, less expensive van insurance quotes and also cheapest car insurance quotes as well as many other van insurance comparison techniques.
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Turn off your engine to save the planet!
For all you van drivers who spend the day on the road, the Energy Saving Trust is appealing to you! They are asking all motorists to take heed of warnings about pollution from vehicle engines and consider switching off your engine when stuck at lights or in a traffic jam, in an effort to reduce emissions levels.
Information from Transport for London shows that if all the drivers in the capital alone turned off their engines for just one minute instead of idling, the capital could reduce its emissions by 90kg a year. The were eager to point out to drivers who were concerned about fuel consumption that turning an engine on and off results in less fuel being used than if you left it running. Tim Anderson, Senior Knowledge Manager at the Energy Saving Trust said;
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Friday, 21 November 2014
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Bank shares jumped on Friday after the Bank of England outlined a new regime to assess the financial strength of the UKs biggest financial institutions that was less draconian than feared.
The chancellor, George Osborne, said he wanted an assessment of the impact of the new rules on lending before the Bank of England would be allowed to toughen them any further amid fears mortgage rates could start to rise if policymakers became too stringent in forcing the banks to hold more capital.
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Thursday, 20 November 2014
Australian pet insurer drops payments for animals after death
Petplan bows to public pressure after Choice finds owners paying premiums for a up to a year after their pet had died
Petplan, the Australian veterinary insurance company backed by Allianz, has bowed to public pressure and will no longer force customers to pay premiums for dead pets.
Last week a campaign by consumer advocacy group Choice criticised the company for its policy which made pet owners continue to pay monthly premiums for up to a year even if the pet had died.
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Wednesday, 19 November 2014
How you're putting your home at risk
From blocked guttering to an unswept chimney, we reveal the surprising ways you could invalidate your home insurance this winter.
Convinced you hate winter? Well, these months can be even more gruelling for our properties as they’re constantly assaulted by rain, snow and wind. In fact, any number of mishaps could cause tens of thousands of pounds in damage – a collapsed roof, a burst pipe, etc, etc…
Unfortunately your home insurer may not pay out if it believes you have been negligent with the maintenance of your property.
New data from insurance company AXA reveals that the company rejects around five percent of storm damage claims if the damage has been caused by poor maintenance, rather than extreme weather.
Despite this, some 59% of homeowners incorrectly believe their insurer will cover all weather-related damage.
‘Misconceptions about home insurance cover is an industry-wide problem that causes a lot of heartache for consumers,’ said James Barclay, home insurance underwriting manager at AXA.
‘There are some claims that we simply have to turn away as they are caused by obvious neglect and lack of investment in the property rather than the weather,’ he added.
How we’re neglecting our homes
Although most of us have probably postponed work around the house at one time or another, an alarming number of Brits fail to perform essential maintenance.
One in 10 of those surveyed was aware of a leaky roof, 15% have cracks in the walls and 10% have blocked or damaged drains.
While these issues may seem relatively minor, they could be a major factor contributing to severe storm damage.
Some 36% of those quizzed said they had not repaired the damage due to concerns over cost. Perhaps more shockingly, 3% confessed they were waiting for the problem to escalate before putting in an insurance claim.
Furthermore, an insurer may deem you have been negligent if an unswept chimney has caused a fire or untended crawling plants damage your brickwork. Bear in mind, these are issues that could occur at any time of year, not only in winter.
What if I take care of my home?
While homeowners who neglect their properties could be left with a hefty bill in the event of an unpaid insurance claim, this situation is more reassuring for those who keep their properties in good repair.
Most insurers should pay out for weather damage as part of a standard perils policy. One possible exception being if you live in an area with a high risk of flooding and your insurer specifically excludes flood-related damage in your policy.
Your insurance company will normally send a loss adjuster to visit the property who will subsequently appoint a contractor to oversee the repairs. A number of policies will also provide alternative accommodation should your home become uninhabitable.
Bear in mind, getting your home repaired may take longer during a city-wide incident when insurers and contractors are over-stretched.
For more stories like this, see The sneaky small print on insurance policies and Five car insurance secrets.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Monday, 17 November 2014
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Disadvantages To A Fantastic Van Insurance Deal
Purchasing van insurance policy coverage need to be a very simple adventure. You dig up the suitable quote, receive an excellent value and get your van covered. But then even the best duties have their own individual potential risks attached. http://www.cheapestvaninsurance.org/
Inexpensive van insurance is a major instance on this. On paper, it is a straightforward course of, however you must be cautious of likely points, reminiscent of paying beyond the odds or acquiring the improper sort of cover fully. Nevertheless to help you steer clear of this kind of possible hindrances, here is an a guide to five of the most typical errors that folks carry out when buying or restarting their vehicle insurance policy.
1. Providing Incorrect Details.
Vans are generally designed as flexible vehicles. Therefore the insurance coverage which insures them has got to provide account considering all of these potential applications. This can give a certain difficulty to the appliance process and should even lead to needless errors being created within the info an individual present.
For example, when you fail to call a daily car driver of your car or even declare that it’s used for one purpose while it’s actually used for an additional, this will trigger important matters. Bearing in mind that insurance is a authorized obligation, in case your policy is undoubtedly invalidated by means of any inaccuracies, you may face larger problems as compared to simply finding it a little bit tough to get a profitable compensation claim.
2. Not Checking Your current Cover Earlier Before Renewing It.
A year generally is a very very long time in the lifetime of a vehicle including a corporation. A lot of issues can change during this era, some of which can must be reflected with your insurance packages. Lack of ability to correctly amend your particulars might lead to lots of the problems shown in the earlier part. Whilst a cheap offer could also be what you are after, in the end you need to have vehicle insurance that can actually provide you with the policy you need.
Subsequently be sure to spend time to evaluate your current renewal application consider it as a possibility to produce any kind of obligatory changes even whether it is just a insignificant adjustment in your expected twelve-monthly mileage or perhaps including a new individual. Use your current policy as a marker and then prepare changes to match. Modifying the application through the duration of your policy can end up costing you a normal charge each time, therefore it is price executing it any time you’ve gotten the opportunity.
3. Not Bothered To Take A Look At the Quotations From Other Insurers.
While you may be joyful together with your present insurance provider and also have received a good offer on your new policy, that do not even imply that it will possibly not necessarily end up being enhanced for some other place. Get on-line and observe. Apply your own similar details along with a wide range of van insurers and see just what is obtainable for your needs and figure out the place financial savings will be generated without having to eliminate your primary level of policy.
It is actually easy to carry out, and thanks to the actual Internet, it is amazingly accessible and also fast also. Subsequently there should be absolutely no excuse for shelling out extra for the same policy by ignorance.
4. Assuming They Are Of Similar Premiums Along With Other Insurance Companies.
Presently there usually are obvious similarities among the two types of cover; nonetheless, you’ll find also the same amount of differences that will distinguish them apart. If you usually are not necessarily cautious you could miss essential data (again, as detailed in the first section) or perhaps go away your self seriously less than covered. Perceive your main vehicle, precisely what it is utilized for, where it is kept and who will be utilizing it. Solely by getting all of this correct would you have a coverage that basically gives the cover required.
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too Few Suggested Add On.
If you happen to be panicking that you hadn’t applied the correct details and also exaggerated the level of cover that you simply required, you’re way more likely to fork out greater than will be strictly obligatory on your insurance cover. Should you hadn’t applied beforehand, seek the advice of any person who may have to get recommendation or even talk to the insurance organization to be able to show you through the correct process. A telephone call is commonly a great way to question unfamiliar things while an individual go alongside, as long as you have all the information handy certainly.
So if you are really serious on the subject of owning the perfect possible cheap van insurance offer you should completely stay clear of these kind of hindrances. Simply because these actions are proven to avoid you beyond your wanted goal- safeguarding money on your van insurance quote. Furthermore there are a few other efficient opportunities to follow when you are hunting for tactics to shell out a lesser van insurance cost- 1 month van insurance, less costly van insurance quotes as well as cheapest car insurance quotes coupled with alternative van insurance comparison approaches.
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Sunday, 16 November 2014
Reasons To Insure Your Vehicle Every Time?
Throughout the years, vehicle insurance policy has been on the rise- it has presently develop to be a portion of 'household' overheads and obtaining a less costly premium is undoubtedly speedily getting to be an illusion compared with reality. Regardless of how costly vehicle insurance charges could be- they're still crucial for driving any automobile on the road.
- You may incur endorsements on your licence which may hinder your ability to secure a job that involves driving or even risk losing your licence all together.
- Bans are often given to drivers without a valid insurance coverage on their vehicle, however, large fines do accompany these fines depending on the degree of the offence.
- Offenders do get minimal or massive fines which will depend on how severe the offense might be- some offence may carry up to a maximum fine of £3000 if it endangers life or property.
- It might be astonishing, but people do get imprisoned in some special situations.
- The 3 levels of cover you can select from includes: comprehensive, third party fire and theft and third party only.
- Your level of excess is a major determining factor on your premium- the higher your excess, the lower your premium respectively.
- Compare quotes by shopping around. Quotes differ from one insurance company to another- the more insurers you approach the more likelihood of you getting a cheaper premium.
- Always observe the special conditions that applies to your policy- whether you're protected when you drive within other European countries, are you entitled to a courtesy vehicle should your car be out on repairs? are you allowed to drive other cars with the owners permission?
- Buying a vehicle within lower car insurance groups. Some examples of cars within the low insurance group bracket includes: Vauxhall Corsa, Fiat Punto and Nissan Micra because of their small engine sizes. High insurance premiums are allocated to bigger engine cars while smaller engine vehicles attract lower premiums.
- Increasing your level of excess would inadvertently reduce your car insurance premiums quiet significantly. voluntary excess is the amount you pledge to contribute in the event of an accident while compulsory excess is what you must pay out. Try not to inflate your the amount too high unless you're comfortable paying it.
- Securing your vehicle in a locked up garage every night limits the risk of theft and damage. Minimizing the risk of criminal damage, burglary and theft should enable your insurer offer you cheaper premiums in return.
- Install security systems like alarms, immobiliser and even trackers.
- Using price comparison websites to shop and compare quotes helps you save money and valuable time- websites like Websites enables you to compare up to 110 companies within a few minutes, all done by filling one quote form.
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