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Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Why Drivers Should Have Cars Checked By Mechanics Before Buying
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Rage Over Parking Spot Leads to Felony Charge
Is any parking problem worth the life of another motorist? Of course not!
Bad parkers are one of my personal pet peeves. So much so that my girlfriend bought me a copy of the book “Parking Tickets: For Those Who’ve Crossed the Line” for my birthday. It’s a little book of personalized messages one can leave on the windshield of bad parkers to let them know you’ve observed just how poor a job they did by taking up four spots with their Chevrolet Suburban.
However, of all the issues drivers face, you’d think parking the car wouldn’t be at the top of the list of difficulties. After all, this isn’t Japan, where residents often pay more to secure a parking spot than they do for their car. Parking may rise to the level of a pet peeve, as I myself demonstrate, but is a parking spot ever worth threatening the life of another motorist?
Of course not.
But that doesn’t mean everyone sees things that way. Parking rage, it seems, is very common....
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Monday, 30 July 2012
Skoda reveals its Ford Focus rival
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Sunday, 29 July 2012
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Saturday, 28 July 2012
Direction For Finding Lowered Van Insurance Rates Nationwide
1. Regardless of how pricey a van insurance cover might be, your legal duty will be to at least get the most primary policy or protection against any uncertainty.Typically, all vans will require fire as well as theft policy besides public liability cover. But business vans also need 3rd party protection along with other policy which cover the van but do not identify anyone driver. On the other hand, particular personnel may be designated for eligibility of discounted price.
2. It is extremely very easy to add new add-ons to comprehensive insurance policies. A few of these add-ons may include additional protective cover for legal expenses coverage, fixture cover, breakdown protection as well as audio coverage. It's perfect in circumstances whereby saving money on policies has to be your uttermost purpose.If you do not drive numerous miles, mileage rate reductions can decrease your payment and experience levels can help save you cash on insurance policy.
3. A huge portion of insured drivers lower their monthly cost through preferring to pay off a considerably greater voluntary excess provided that an crash isn't their own carelessness.Special discounts could be available for those that did not made any kind of claims and put in security alarms or garage storage might dictate a cheap van insurance rates.
4. Insurance providers include varying policy demands when working out van insurance costs for people.Engine size and van capacity do determine rates in addition to small gestures that offer little bumper peel off stickers using telephone numbers for individuals to phone if a commercial van driver is being dangerous on the roads.
5. Insurance costs can easily be lessened if you are paying the full annual payment instead of per month payments- this would prevent you paying the interest fees on the full premiums that incorporates the monthly installments. And also, raising your amount of excess when signing up for the coverage from the outset can also help minimize premiums considerably.
6. Look into the optional protection coverage that your insurer may have included as part of your policy, determine whether you could actually save cash as you take them up or simply buy them cheaper some where else. Many insurers could have more suitable packages once you take up their policy while some will not. Since you're obliged to pay the total amount of your van insurance cover, you may also be in a position to change some features that come with your policy so as to lower your quote.
7. Always bear in mind that van insurance premiums can vary significantly from one insurer to another due to the cost of the van making up the premium and the various risks being exposed to the insurer on a daily basis when you use your van. Insurers tend to increase van insurance premiums when the goods and items been transported are quiet expensive and dangerous- this is because they are exposed to more financial risks .
Finding several van insurance quotes would enable you save money and time as it would help you determine the cheapest option to go for and the policy that offers the best value for your money.
Van insurance comparison websites have sprung up over the years to help individuals choose from a number of non-compulsory extras and add-ons along with supporting car owners establish a cheaper van insurance cover. Legal expenses, personal injury cover, breakdown cover are usually a handful of the numerous additional protection people are in a position to choose from .
Eventually, it always pays to be persistentwhen evaluating a cheap van insurance quote. Obtain as many insurance quotes as you can available then you will be in a better position to ascertain what insurance policy is the best for you and best value for money, get a quote here- Nonetheless though, a lot of van insurance you may choose from, between cheap one day van insurance, short term van insurance premiums, cheap commercial van insurance here- and more. Having big price reductions from all of these insurance policies additionally involves similar tactic and also patience.
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Five top credit cards for spending abroad
Are you heading abroad on holiday this summer? Using the wrong credit card could leave you facing hefty fees and charges.
For many of us, a foreign holiday is the highlight of the year – drinking margaritas in the sun or soaking up fine architecture on a city break.
Unfortunately, your holiday could be more expensive than you’d planned if you use the wrong credit card to make purchases or withdraw cash during your trip. This is because most lenders charge fees of between 2.5% and 3% to use a card abroad.
So, which cards should you consider if you want to keep costs down?
1. The Halifax Clarity Credit Card
Holidaymakers keen to cut costs could consider Halifax’s Clarity Credit Card, which doesn’t charge borrowers a fee to use the card or withdraw money anywhere in the world.
Although Halifax charges interest on cash withdrawals, the rate is a relatively low 12.9% APR Representative.
2. Sainsbury’s Gold Credit Card
The supermarket giant offers worldwide family travel insurance and doesn’t charge any fees to withdraw money or make purchases abroad.
However, there is a £5 monthly fee simply to hold the card, which equates to £60 a year.
This product’s most distinctive feature is the travel insurance package that provides worldwide cover for two adults and up to six children.
Remember, it would be wise to ensure you would make full use of all the benefits before committing yourself to the monthly fee. In addition, the representative APR is 20.1%.
3. The Post Office Credit Card
If you’re planning to spend on your credit card during your holiday, the Post Office doesn’t charge any fees on overseas purchases.
However, you’ll pay 2.5% if you decide to withdraw money and the interest rate on cash withdrawals is 24.1%.
Furthermore, you won’t pay a fee if you use this card to buy your travel money from the Post Office ­– though, remember to check you’re getting a competitive rate before exchanging your currency.
In another plus point, this card carries a 14-month interest-free period on balance transfers.
The card has a representative APR of 16.9%.
4. Saga Platinum
If you’re over the age of 50, you could consider Saga’s Platinum credit card, which doesn’t impose a fee on foreign transactions.
Bear in mind, there is a fee of 2% to withdraw cash. However, Saga won’t charge any interest on cash withdrawals if you clear your balance by the due date. If you don't pay off your debt at this point, the interest rate is 19.6%.
This card has a representative APR of 11.9%.
5. Nationwide Select Credit Card
This card doesn’t charge any interest on overseas spending, but there’s a catch ­– it’s only available to Nationwide FlexAccount holders.
On top of the fee-free spending abroad, this product offers unlimited 0.5% cashback on all UK purchases and 20 months interest free on balance transfers.
As a negative, this deal might not be such an attractive option for those who would like to withdraw cash on their travels. In addition to a 2.5% fee, you’ll pay interest at a rate of 27.9%.
For more travel tips, see Holiday rip-offs revealed and Five free summer activities.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Don' t be dogged by fund failures
Many household name funds have been identified as consistently underperforming 'dogs' by investment platform Bestinvest.
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Friday, 27 July 2012
Out-Of-State Violations May Affect Car Insurance
In the “good old days” it was possible to get a speeding ticket outside of your home state without it affecting your driving record or adding points to your license. In fact, we’ve all heard jokes about paying off the small-town sheriff to satisfy a ticket so the driver could get on his way. Unfortunately, the information age has changed all of that. Depending on your own state laws, and the agreement your state department of motor vehicles has with its counterparts in other states, that speeding ticket you got while on family vacation could come back to haunt you and your previously affordable car insurance.
According to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, state and local jurisdictions now cooperate by sharing information electronically through the use of two programs known as the Driver License Compact (DLC) and the Nonresident Violator Compact (NVC). Both of these programs rely heavily on interstate data connections and computer databases to link them and share information.
How It Works in the Field
In all but the smallest and most financially strapped police departments, technology has made it possible to give officers on the road real-time access to database information. It’s no longer uncommon for a police cruiser to have an on-board laptop with a wireless data connection capable of accessing DMV records at any time. That means a driver pulled over outside of his own home state will not likely get by without a police officer knowing about outstanding warrants and other things on his record.
By the same token, if that driver contests the violation in court, that court will have access to his driving record through his own state DMV. The judge will be able to look at that record and render a decision accordingly. If a driver has a long and complicated record the judge may not be too lenient. Keep in mind that all of this is done in real-time using computers with direct access to DMV records.
How It Affects Your Insurance
If there’s any good news in this it can be found in the fact that not all states treat violations from other states the same way. For example, a Colorado resident caught speeding in Nevada may not see the violation show up on his Colorado record. No points will be assigned his license, his insurance company will not have record of the violation, and everything remains the same when the driver renews a policy or looks at new auto insurance quotes. Yet if that same driver is convicted of DWI in Nevada, Colorado will not let that slide.
The Insurance Company Connection
If you’re wondering how car insurance companies find out about violations, it’s actually fairly simple. They are connected to the very same system the state DMVs use; they just have different access. Because they’re lugged in, your insurance company can run a check on your record at any time; most do so on a fairly regular basis. That’s why it’s never a wise idea to hide violations or accidents from your insurance company. They most likely will find out and, in doing so, come to the conclusion that you can’t be trusted. In their mind that means increased risk that could make your cheap car insurance not so cheap any more.
The best way to avoid the question of out-of-state violations is to simply obey the law. If you’re not speeding, you’ll never have to worry about a speeding ticket. Not only will this keep you out of trouble with the local police, it will also keep you in the good graces of your insurance company.
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Keeping an Unused Vehicle Insured
Dave is an Army MP who’s been assigned to a two-year stint at a military base in Germany. Being a career military man his family is allowed to come with him overseas. But that leaves some things at home that need to be dealt with, not the least of which is the family van and Dave’s pickup truck. Neither of the vehicles will be used while they’re away. So, do they need to keep them insured?
With a few possible exceptions, most states require drivers to keep insurance valid on any vehicle registered in the state. Using New York as an example, in order to get a registration a driver is required to furnish proof of a liability insurance policy in force. That policy can be the cheapest car insurance available with very limited coverage, as long as there’s something in place. If Dave were living in New York he would either have to maintain his liability policy or surrender the registration and plates of both vehicles to the DMV.
On the other hand, the state of Arizona offers an option known as “de-insuring” a vehicle that is inoperable. An in operable vehicle is defined as one that is not driven on the public roads due to ongoing repairs, restoration, or storage. Dave could keep his registration and plates in Arizona simply by filing a de-insurance affidavit stating his cars will both be in storage during his two years in Germany. When he returns he simply purchases a new policy and informs the state.
Other Options Available
If your state is not one that allows the de-insurance option you need to look at other things. One of the best options is to look for an affordable insurance policy for stored vehicles. These types of policies are usually reserved for owners of classic cars who might keep them stored away in a collection and never drive them on the roads. This type of policy would be beneficial to someone like Dave if he could find a car insurance company willing to provide it for him.
The second option is to discuss the situation with your current car insurance provider. Once they realize a car will not be driven for an extended period of time they might be willing to reclassify it as an “occasional use” vehicle, thus reducing how much you pay on it. Insurance companies are not obligated to provide you with such options. But many of them do. So ask about it; you never know what you’ll come up with once you start digging.
Consequences of Not Taking Care of Business
If Dave lived in the state as strict as New York, not taking care of business before leaving for Germany could cause him a lot of headaches. New York State would immediately suspend Dave’s registration on notice that he allowed his insurance policy to lapse. They don’t care about the fact that he’s in another country for the next two years. When he finally does return he’d have to pay a series of fines and reinstatement fees in order to get his license back. But his vehicles won’t be able to be re-registered for at least a year after Dave settles up.
It’s unfortunate that some states don’t take into consideration circumstances like those we describe here. But that’s the reality. So if you live in one of those highly restrictive states you have to be willing to either keep your car insurance policy in force or surrender your registration and plates. Yes, it’s a hassle. But the consequences of not doing so could be that much worse.
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Problems Of A Good Van Insurance Discount- Things To Refrain From Doing
Cheap van insurance is a chief instance on this. In writing, it is an easy process, however you need to be wary of potential issues, similar to spending above the odds or even having the flawed sort of policy totally. Consequently to help you avoid any such likely stumbling blocks, here is a information to 5 of the most typical pitfalls that individuals come up with when buying or renewing their van insurance coverage policy.
1. Providing Incorrect Data.
Vans are usually designed as multi-purpose vehicles. Therefore the actual insurance that protect them must provide account considering all of these likely functions. This may give a a number of difficulty to the applying course of and should even lead to unnecessary issues being prepared in the info a person present.
For instance, should you fail to call an everyday driver of your vehicle or perhaps declare that it is used for a purpose when it's truly used for another, this will cause major matters. Bearing in mind that insurance coverage is a authorized requirement, in case your coverage is undoubtedly invalidated through mere inaccuracies, it's possible you'll experience more considerable issues compared with simply discovering it slightly difficult to make a successful compensation claim.
2. Never Checking Your actual Cover Before Restoring It.
A 12 months period is usually a very long time within the lifetime of a vehicle and a corporation. Various matters can modify during this era, a few of which may need to be reflected within your insurance coverage. Lack of ability in order to correctly replace the particulars might lead to lots of the problems featured in the earlier part. Whilst an inexpensive offer may be just what you are after, in the end you need to possess vehicle insurance that can truly provide you with the cover you desire.
Subsequently be sure you spend time to assessment your current renewal request consider this as a chance to create just about any necessary modifications simply whether it is just a trivial modification as part of your expected twelve-monthly mileage or adding a new individual. Use your current coverage as a sign after which make modifications to accommodate. Modifying it throughout the time of your policy can end up costing you a typical payment each occasion, therefore it is price doing it whenever you will have the opportunity.
3. Not Bothered To Take A Look At the Quotations Of Other Insurers.
Whilst you could be glad together with your current insurance firm and have received a decent offer for your new policy, which can in no way mean that it will possibly definitely not possibly be improved upon somewhere else. Get on-line and investigate. Use your same particulars along with a variety of van insurers and determine everything that is offered for your needs plus pick out where savings might be generated without the need to lower your stage of cover.
It is easy to undertake, and because of the Internet, it is amazingly reachable as well as quick as well. So there is absolutely no excuse for paying extra for a similar policy by way of ignorance.
4. Assuming They Are Of Similar Quotations Together With Other Insurance Organizations.
Certainly, there are apparent same things amongst the two forms of cover; however, there are additionally an identical quantity of variations that will mark them apart. For those who usually are not necessarily cautious you possibly can skip essential knowledge (once more, as specified within the first part) or even depart yourself seriously under protected. Perceive your main car, actually is used for, where it is actually kept as well as whom might be utilizing it. Only by finding these right would you have a coverage that really gives the coverage required.
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Advised Add On.
For those who panicking that you simply had not implemented the correct particulars or maybe exaggerated the extent of cover that you wanted, you are way more likely to fork out greater than is actually strictly obligatory on your insurance cover. In the event you hadn't applied beforehand, consult any individual that has to obtain advice and even get in touch the insurance organisation for them to guide you through the appropriate procedure. A telephone query is usually a great way to question issues while you actually go alongside, so long as you have all the knowledge handy obviously.
Provided you're absolutely serious pertaining to discovering the perfect achievable cheap van insurance offer then you should just keep clear of these kind of obstacles. On the grounds that these tendencies are sure to discourage you from your preferred target- to save funds with your van insurance rates. Presently there are alternative effective selections to adopt any time you are wanting for alternatives to pay off a much lower van insurance insurance rate- 6 month van insurance, less expensive van insurance quotes and also cheapest car insurance quotes as well as many other van insurance comparison techniques.
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Thursday, 26 July 2012
Planned fuel duty for August postponed by Government
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Top Four Van Insurance Coverage Cash Saving Suggestions
1 - Spend Time Shopping All around At the beginning, if you wish to save money on your van insurance coverage, you are going to spend some time in buying around. It does not have to take a lot time though. The internet has made comparison purchasing simpler more than ever. All you must do is jump online, visit some comparability websites on the net, fill out a quick form and you may be evaluating rates quickly. Just be certain that you all the time have a look at more than the cost. Obtaining the proper cover can also be important, so evaluate core features and price for the perfect throughout deal for your needs.
2- Lower Your Rates with a Greater Voluntary Excess Another approach though which it can save you and lower your rates is to go along with a better voluntary excess. It's a quite simple rule of thumb to recall. The higher the voluntary excess you choose, lower the premium on the insurance is going to be for you. Merely raising the voluntary excess by several pounds could make a huge difference. Work out precisely what you'll be able to afford to pay as voluntary excess. You should go along with it option to make sure you save much on your van insurance coverage premiums.
3 - Don't Permit Your Insurance coverage to Lapse Don't enable your insurance to lapse if you want to save some money with your van insurance. If you happen to find yourself allowing the policy to lapse, insurance companies are going to take a look at you as a huge risk. They could even assume that you are somebody that's irresponsible. In lots of circumstances you will end up paying more for the insurance coverage you want, if you have left your insurance coverage on the van to expire. Make sure you preserve your policy going, even when you have to go along with a short time period choice, while looking for one of the best long run policy for your needs.
4 - Search for Any type of Attainable Discounts Just remember to look for any potential bargains. Many individuals do not understand how many discounts are available and they never assume to search for them or ask about them. Economizing a little occasionally with reductions can really add as much as a nice financial savings in your policy. There are discounts for buying on-line, discounts for a number of insurance policies, safe driving reductions, discounts for security devices and more.
Ask about discounts available and attempt to get each discount that you simply can get. The more discounts you get, the more you'll spend less on your insurance for van. In a nutshell, these are very effective ways for reducing one's van insurance premium to obtain that elusive cheap van insurance everyone's talking about. There are also great ways to find affordable tool insurance, compare van insurance quote, check and compare 1st central car insurance with van insurance comparison, one day van insurance and many more
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Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Thrifty Car and Van Rental announce charity partners
Thrifty Car and Van Rental has announced which local and national charities it is to support this year; and the lucky two are the NSPCC and Hospiscare. Thrifty has pledged to do what it can to raise as much money as possible throughout 2012 via a wide range of activities including dress down days, raffles and even donating £1 for every rental which goes through its website. Once all donations and money raised have been totted up, the final total will be split equally between the two charities.
Linda Paul, Director of Central Services for Thrifty Car and Van Rental said;
‘Everybody will be getting into the charitable spirit this year by taking part in dress down days and holding raffles. We hope to raise a significant amount of money which will make a huge difference to everyone involved with and benefiting from Hospiscare and the NSPCC.’
Hospiscare is delighted to have been chosen by Thrifty especially because, as a local charity, its profile isn’t as high as some other better known causes. Marc Astley, Hospiscare’s PR and Marketing Officer said;
‘Thrifty has been a wonderful partner and we are extremely grateful they have continued to support our charity. Not only have they raised lots of money, they have also supplied Hospiscare with a number of vehicles to help transport donated items to our chain of shops across Devon.’
Geraldine Harman, NSPCC’s Corporate Business Manager said their charity is equally as delighted to be receiving the much-needed support from Thrifty;
‘Without the support of companies such as Thrifty we simply wouldn’t be able to continue to run our services to help those children affected by abuse and neglect. We can’t wait to hear about the company’s fundraising events as we work closely with them throughout the year.’
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Air Powered Cars: Just a Lot of Hot Air?
If you’ve ever been to an auto repair shop, you’ve heard the whine and pop of pneumatic wrenches powered by compressed air. Now that same technology is being harnessed to propel car engines.
The push toward lowering our reliance on petroleum and reducing our carbon footprint has brought us innovations such as hybrid vehicles and plant-based fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. But few of us would have ever dreamt that something as all-pervasive as the air we breathe could be harnessed to power our vehicles.
Researchers have to dream big to stay on ahead of the pack on the racecourse of innovation. They’ll tell you that anything and everything is up for grabs when it comes to finding new ways to reduce our dependence on oil and lowering auto emissions. To that end, air powered cars have become a reality.
Compressed air was first used a century ago to power mining cars, but until now it hasn’t been seriously considered as an alternative fuel source for modern vehicles. H...
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Holiday rip-offs revealed
From sky-high travel taxes to extra fees for single people, we reveal five holiday rip-offs and show you how to keep costs down this summer.
With the kids breaking up from school in a couple of weeks, millions of Brits will soon be heading on their annual two-week holiday – those who can afford it, that is.
Unfortunately, your holiday could end up costing more than you’d planned if you fall prey to any of these common holiday rip-offs.
1. Travel taxes
British passengers are paying hundreds of pounds more in travel taxes and fees than people in the rest of Europe, research from Sainsbury’s Finance has revealed.
Whether or not you class this as a rip-off probably depends on your attitude to taxes. However, most holidaymakers could probably do without this extra expense.
Imagine you were taking a trip to Cape Town. According to the research from Sainsbury’s, you’d typically pay £460 in taxes and fees alone if you flew from London. Those flying from Paris, however, would pay £318, which equates to a massive price difference of £142.
2. Using the wrong credit card
Most credit and debit card providers charge customers fees to use their cards overseas – often in the region of 2.5% or 3% of the transaction’s value.
Frequent travellers could potentially cut costs by taking out a card that waives these charges. For instance, Halifax’s Clarity Credit Card doesn’t impose any fees on borrowers who make a purchase or withdraw cash outside of the UK.
Sainsbury’s Gold Credit Card allows interest-free purchases and cash withdrawals outside the UK. Although there’s a £5 monthly fee, this card also includes insurance for two adults and up to six children.
3. Plastic bags at the airport
As frequent travellers probably know, passengers can only take liquids of less than 100mls onto a plane and these must be carried in a separate, re-sealable plastic bag.
If you forget to bring a plastic bag, a number of airports will sell them to you at a cost of £1 – how very generous of them.
If you want to get your holiday off to a frugal start, remember to be prepared when you head to the airport.
4. Travelling alone
If you’re unattached or fancy some time away from your other half, you might be tempted to go on holiday alone. Unfortunately, this option could prove significantly more expensive than if you were in a couple.
This is because holiday companies often impose a ‘single supplement’ on solo travellers, arguing that most holidays costs are based on the assumption that two people share one room.
Singletons who would prefer to avoid these extra costs could consider a booking through a holiday company that specialises in solo travellers.
5. Using your mobile
We’ve all heard stories of foreign holidaymakers being hit with massive bills after using their mobile phone abroad.
In extreme cases, these charges may be hundreds (or even thousands) of pounds. However, this situation may be about to improve when new EU price caps come into effect.
From July, making a call within the EU will cost a maximum of 29 cents (23.5p) and the cost of using the internet be capped at 70 cents (57p). These caps will be followed by further reductions in 2013 and 2014.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Dos As well as Don'ts When Searching For A Less Expensive Van Insurance Quote
Getting the best van insurance policy should be a easy experience. You discover the precise policy, obtain an excellent price and get your van insured. Nonetheless even the easiest tasks provide their own hazards fixed.
Cheap van insurance is a prime example in this. In writing, it is an easy process, but it's important to be cautious of potential points, reminiscent of spending well over the percentages or perhaps acquiring the unsuitable type of policy entirely. Nevertheless to help you avoid this kind of potential stumbling blocks, right here is a information to five of the most common errors that individuals execute while buying and also restarting their van insurance coverage policy.
1. Providing Incorrect Data.
Cars are developed as multi-purpose vehicles. Subsequently the insurance that protects them is required to have an account in consideration of these kinds of likely uses. This will add a a number of complication to the application course of and will in fact result in needless blunders being generated in the info an individual present.
For example, in the event you forget to name a daily driver of your vehicle or even claim that it is used for a objective while it's truly utilized for another, this may trigger major problems. Making an allowance for of which insurance is a authorized requirement, in case your policy is invalidated by any errors, it's possible you'll encounter more considerable issues in comparison with merely finding it a little troublesome to make a profitable compensation claim.
2. Not Verifying Your Coverage Before Restarting It.
A 12 months period could be a very long time in the life of any vehicle and a corporation. A lot of things can change during this period, some of which may need to be mirrored within your insurance. Lack of ability to be able to correctly update your particulars may lead to many of the issues featured in the previous section. Whilst a cheap offer may be what you are after, finally you wish to possess van insurance that can really offer you the policy you need.
So ensure you spend time and energy to review your current renewal request consider these as a chance to make any crucial modifications even if it is just a minor modification in your anticipated twelve-monthly usage or even including a brand new individual. Use your present policy for a marker and then prepare adjustments to suit. Modifying it during the use of your current coverage may find yourself costing you a regular fee each occasion, so it's price executing it whenever you've gotten the chance.
3. Failing To Check Out the Rates From Other Insurers.
While you might be completely happy together with your present insurer and still have obtained a good offer on your new policy, that do not necessarily imply that it might not really end up being improved for in other places. Look on-line and observe. Use your current similar details along with a wide range of insurers to see specifically what is obtainable for your needs and also find out the place savings might be generated with out being forced to decline your current stage of cover.
This is actually straightforward to do, and thanks to the actual Internet, it is amazingly accessible and also fast too. So there should be no reason for spending more for the same policy by way of ignorance.
4. Assuming They Are The Same Quotations Along With Other Insurers.
Presently there are usually obvious similarities in between the two forms of packages; nevertheless, you will discover additionally an identical amount of differences which mark them apart. In case you are generally not cautious you could neglect important advice (again, as detailed in the first part) or perhaps leave your self seriously under covered. Understand your van, actually is worked for, where it is actually parked as well as whom will be using it. Solely by getting all of this right would you have a policy that really gives the cover required.
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Highly recommended Policy.
If you are anxious that you haven't used the proper particulars or overstated the level of protection that you required, you can be much more likely to shell out more than might be firmly crucial on your insurance policy. If you happen to have not yet utilized beforehand, seek the advice of someone who has to receive recommendation or even get in touch the insurance company for them to guide you along the process. A cell phone query is usually a good way to find out issues as an individual go alongside, so long as you've all the data handy obviously.
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Sunday, 22 July 2012
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The price hike you may not see coming
Your heating bills might be one of the last things on your mind at the moment, but you may end up paying over the odds if you ignore them this summer.
Centrica, which owns British Gas, recently hinted it would soon increase its customers’ energy bills as the cost of wholesale gas has risen.
E.ON then saw the opportunity to win favour with customers by announcing it wouldn’t increase its residential energy bills at all throughout 2012.
‘I want every family in the UK to know that we will always do our best to be fair and act in the best interests of our customers,’ said Dr Tony Cocker, Chief Executive of E.ON UK.
That’s good news for E.ON customers, but there’s no way of knowing what the other energy companies will do.
Shop around
Whichever supplier you’re with, it may be wise to shop around to see if you could be paying less for your gas and electricity on another tariff or with a different provider.
You could visit each supplier’s website individually and look at all of their prices, but it tends to be much easier to use a price comparison site to search for a better deal.
Before sitting down to do a comparison it’s useful to dig out your latest energy bill.
Most comparison sites ask for details such as the size of your last bill and how you pay for your bills, for example by monthly direct debit.
If you don’t have a bill to hand, you may still be able to do a comparison by providing other details such as how many rooms there are in your property and how often you use your washing machine.
Beware of fees
Many energy companies charge a fee if you exit a contract early, so make sure you check whether this is the case with your current supplier.
Let’s say you’ve worked out you could save £50 by switching to a new provider, but it’ll cost you £30 to cancel your gas and £30 to cancel your electricity with your current supplier, you’d actually lose out on £10.
Just make sure you do the sums so that you’re not losing rather than saving money.
Ways to save in the summer
There are a number of things you can do over the summer months that may help you to reduce your energy use and, therefore, bills.
Check the timer: Many of us set our heating to come on for a few hours in the morning during the winter, but I’m sure there are a good few people who’ve forgotten to turn the timer off now that the weather is improving.
Shower, don’t bathe: If you’re on a water meter, you may be able to cut your water bills by having showers rather than baths. When the weather’s hot, cool showers can be a lot more refreshing than steamy baths anyway.
Open a window: Rather than using an electric fan to keep you cool at night, open your bedroom window to allow air to circulate. Just make sure you close all downstairs windows before you go to bed, you don’t want to give burglars easy access to your home.
Enjoy the outdoors: Take advantage of the longer evenings by going out and about rather than sitting in and watching TV.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Compare Quotes to Get Cheap Car Insurance
The best way to guarantee that you are getting cheap car insurance is to compare a few different quotes together. When you take a few moments to compare these quotes you will see that some places will give you a better rate than others. It is your job to compare these different quotes together in order to make sure that you are comfortable with the cheapest one. If you do compare then you will have peace of mind when you go to make a purchase- you will know that you are paying a price that is the best that you could get.
Compare Quotes to Get Cheap Car Insurance
What to Look for When Comparing
As you begin the process of comparing car insurance quotes in your quest to get the cheapest car insurance there are a few things that you should pay special attention to. When you look at the following factors you will be able to quickly compare quotes together and make a decision in regard to which one is best for you.
- Overall Price
- Level of Deductible
- Level of Coverage
If you look at these three factors then you will be able to make a determination on which one is the best for you.
Overall Price
It is our goal to get cheap car insurance, right? Well, if so then the first thing that you need to look at is the overall price of your car insurance policy. Simply put, the amount that you have to pay each month will determine whether or not it is cheap for you or not. However, there is one thing that you should consider when looking at overall price. You need to ask yourself if it would be cheaper to pay the policy in full once a year or if it makes sense to make a payment each month. Many times it will be much cheaper for you if you are able to make one lump payment for the whole year instead of paying smaller monthly payments. Paying once means that you only have to pay a processing fee one time, not twelve times. Though this is not always possible, it is recommended. It will allow you to pay the very lowest amount possible in the long run for your cheap car insurance.
Level of Deductible
As you are going through the comparison process you need to look at the amount that you will have to pay if you need to use your insurance- this is your deductible. It works like this- if you are in an accident you will have to pay some amount out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. That said, if the amount that you have to pay is low then your monthly payment might be high. However, if your deductible amount is low then your monthly payment may be high. It is up to you to decide exactly what is more important to you. If you are a person that never gets into accidents or uses their insurance then you will probably want to go with the highest deductible and lowest policy price because in the long run it will be cheaper for you. On the other hand, if you have a history of being in accidents you may want to have the lower deductible and higher policy price. It is really up to you at the end of the day- just make sure to compare the deductible price so that you are getting the best deal for your situation.
Level of Coverage
This goes without saying, but you are going to pay more if you have a higher level of coverage. In order to get the cheapest car insurance possible you are going to compare the levels of coverage together and pick the one that gives you the lowest coverage as it will be the cheapest. If you prefer to have a higherl level of coverage then you need to be prepared to pay more.
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Saturday, 21 July 2012
Women retire on £5,750 less than men
As women expect to retire on significantly less than their male counterparts, we reveal how you could potentially boost your pension pot.
Women who retire in 2012 expect an annual income of £12,250 compared with £18,000 for men, research from Prudential has found.
Although these figures represent a difference of £5,750, this gap is narrower than in previous years – with last year’s data revealing a discrepancy of £6,500 between the sexes.
The South East has the most significant gender gap of £7,878 and the North West has the smallest at £2,545.
This disparity is a common concern among pensions experts. Dr Ros Altmann of Saga said: ‘Women in the UK have consistently been the 'poor relations' when it comes to pensions.
‘The fact is that in terms of both state pensions and private pensions, women's prospects are worse.’
Although times are certainly tough for both male and female pension savers, there are steps both genders can take to potentially increase their retirement income.
Start early
Saving for retirement is probably one of the last things on your mind when you’re young, free and single. However, this may be the most sensible time to start making contributions.
While it isn’t impossible to build up a nest egg later in life, you would probably need to make larger monthly contributions to meet your savings goals, which could seriously impact your disposable income.
Make the most of tax relief
Paying into a pension fund is one of the most tax efficient ways to save for retirement.
Whenever you pay into a pension pot, the provider reclaims any income tax you have already paid on this money from the government at a rate of 20%.
To put this into context, you receive £100 in your pension fund for every £80-worth of contributions.
Higher and additional rate taxpayers who pay income tax at a rate of 40% or 50% can reclaim any shortfall on their tax relief from HMRC.
Bear in mind, there is an annual allowance on the amount of tax relief savers can claim. At present, you can receive tax relief on up to £50,000 each year.
As well as tax relief on pension contributions, savers can also take up to 25% of their fund as a tax-free lump sum when they retire.
Stop working, keep earning
If you’d like to get out of the house and top up your pension income, you could continue working part time in retirement.
Having left permanent employment, it may be possible to find work as a consultant or even set up a business.
Despite the financial benefits of staying in employment, you may be taxed on any income you receive from paid work. What’s more, this additional money could affect any means-tested benefit such as pension credit.
Can’t I just rely on the state?
According to research from insurer LV=, 28% of Brits over the age of 50 currently have no retirement savings.
Unfortunately, those forced to rely on state benefits could face serious financial hardship.
LV=’s data found that pensioners dependent on state pensions receive up to £5,890 a year less than someone receiving minimum wage.
Although the government currently plans to introduce a universal state pension of £140 per week, this figure may be significantly below your level of earnings when you were in work.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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As a part of the process to gear up for the REAL ID requirements, many states are requiring that individuals submit proof of residency. This ensures that individuals getting a license actually live in the state. However, Alabama does not currently have a residency requirement on their driver’s licenses. Instead, they still use the old standard system of having Primary and Secondary documentary proofs. This is likely to change in the future, but as for now, you don’t need any residency documents in Alabama.
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Friday, 20 July 2012
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Thursday, 19 July 2012
Hotter Temperatures Are Linked With DUIs
The mainland United States, which was largely recovering Monday from a near-nationwide heat wave, has experienced the warmest 12 months since record-keeping began in 1895, a top government science and weather agency announced Monday.
In the last half of June alone, 170 all-time temperature records were matched or smashed in cities across the lower 48 states. The U.S. State Climate Extremes Committee also is reviewing whether 113-degree temperatures in South Carolina and 112-degree recordings in Georgia qualify as all-time records in those two states.
Extremely unusual weather activity over the last several months includes an outbreak of particularly large wildfires in Colorado, which had its warmest June ever. Most of that state is experiencing extreme to exceptional drought, which is also true in places as far afield as Arizona and Georgia, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, run out of the University of Nebraska.
State officials are urging residents to take special caution when drinking alcohol in hot weather. Recent studies have established a strong correlation between hot weather conditions and the number of intoxicated drivers on American roads. The results suggest that the number of intoxicated drivers is up to ten times higher in hotter days than during the colder conditions.
Alcohol and Hot Weather—a Dangerous Combination
While a frosty cocktail on a hot day may seem appealing, extreme heat can lead to potentially dangerous situations, especially for people who choose to drink and drive.
Alcohol has a de-hydrating effect and interferes with your body’s ability to regulate its internal temperature. In the hot weather your body produces sweat in effort to stay cool, but in extreme conditions your body can struggle to regulate your body temperature leading to dangerous risks such as heat stroke, or exhaustion. Symptoms of this occurring include cramps, headaches, and dizziness.
The added influence of alcohol combines with the heat to de-hydrate your body even more and can lead to greater effects from the alcohol with less consumption, which can be a dangerous combination. Heat intensifies the effects of alcohol causing a situation where people can drink less, but feel more intoxicated than usual. This can contribute to people driving drunk during hot summer days!
The best precautions to protect yourself during the hot weather include drinking plenty of hydrating fluids including water or sports beverages (avoid liquids with large amounts of sugar) and avoiding driving if you have been drinking in the heat—plan to ride with a designated driver!
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The price hike you may not see coming
Your heating bills might be one of the last things on your mind at the moment, but you may end up paying over the odds if you ignore them this summer.
Centrica, which owns British Gas, recently hinted it would soon increase its customers’ energy bills as the cost of wholesale gas has risen.
E.ON then saw the opportunity to win favour with customers by announcing it wouldn’t increase its residential energy bills at all throughout 2012.
‘I want every family in the UK to know that we will always do our best to be fair and act in the best interests of our customers,’ said Dr Tony Cocker, Chief Executive of E.ON UK.
That’s good news for E.ON customers, but there’s no way of knowing what the other energy companies will do.
Shop around
Whichever supplier you’re with, it may be wise to shop around to see if you could be paying less for your gas and electricity on another tariff or with a different provider.
You could visit each supplier’s website individually and look at all of their prices, but it tends to be much easier to use a price comparison site to search for a better deal.
Before sitting down to do a comparison it’s useful to dig out your latest energy bill.
Most comparison sites ask for details such as the size of your last bill and how you pay for your bills, for example by monthly direct debit.
If you don’t have a bill to hand, you may still be able to do a comparison by providing other details such as how many rooms there are in your property and how often you use your washing machine.
Beware of fees
Many energy companies charge a fee if you exit a contract early, so make sure you check whether this is the case with your current supplier.
Let’s say you’ve worked out you could save £50 by switching to a new provider, but it’ll cost you £30 to cancel your gas and £30 to cancel your electricity with your current supplier, you’d actually lose out on £10.
Just make sure you do the sums so that you’re not losing rather than saving money.
Ways to save in the summer
There are a number of things you can do over the summer months that may help you to reduce your energy use and, therefore, bills.
Check the timer: Many of us set our heating to come on for a few hours in the morning during the winter, but I’m sure there are a good few people who’ve forgotten to turn the timer off now that the weather is improving.
Shower, don’t bathe: If you’re on a water meter, you may be able to cut your water bills by having showers rather than baths. When the weather’s hot, cool showers can be a lot more refreshing than steamy baths anyway.
Open a window: Rather than using an electric fan to keep you cool at night, open your bedroom window to allow air to circulate. Just make sure you close all downstairs windows before you go to bed, you don’t want to give burglars easy access to your home.
Enjoy the outdoors: Take advantage of the longer evenings by going out and about rather than sitting in and watching TV.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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