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Sunday, 30 December 2012
Parents reveal teaching their child how to drive is difficult to do
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Saturday, 29 December 2012
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A Letter To Santa Claus From His Geico Auto Insurance Agent
Dear Mr. Claus,
Regarding the highly unusual nature of your recent claim for repairs to your vehicle in the amount of $124,568.27, GEICO has the following questions and concerns.
First off, you’ve listed your reindeer-powered vehicle in the ‘delivery utility’ category and stated that it’s used solely for business during one annual 24-hour period from dusk on December 24th, until sunrise on the 25th. You also stated that the mileage driven during that time is 150,365 miles (approximately). You also mention that during this period that you park on various “rooftops” which we can only assume to mean parking garages located at the roof level.
GEICO recognizes that your means of employment is highly unusual (as is your vehicle and driving style) and we’ve done our best to accommodate your insurance needs, however curious they may seem. In light of your recent accident, we’d like to point out the following:
- The claim that you drove 150,364 miles in a single night would suggest that you are traveling at speeds in excess of 6,265 miles per hour, which is not only questionable in accuracy, but would be highly illegal and instantly void your claim if this were indeed true. Please clarify.
- We are having difficulty locating your vehicle in our database, as you have listed the make as “Red Sleigh” and the engine type as “9 Reindeer-powered” which we can only assume you actually meant “9 horsepower.” If this is a new eco-friendly vehicle on the market, please let us know.
- Your qualification for coverage is also in question due to the fact you have not listed “Elves” as additional drivers on your policy, who became inebriated while using the company vehicles in an unlawful manner. Please provide names of these drivers as well as employment verification documentation.
- One eye-witness report said “Away they all flew like the down of a thistle” which would suggest to us that you may not even be eligible at all for our auto insurance, but rather our aircraft policy.
- On a side-note, you have also caused damage claims from homeowners who assert that you have caused damage to their roofs by animals; and last year you became stuck in a homeowners chimney. We are still investigating whether this is a trespassing, or break-and-entry case.
- In the police report, they also mentioned that you only had a single headlamp operational at the time of the incident.
Given the highly unusual nature of your business, we want to point out that our willingness to provide coverage stems from the fact that you run a non-profit business whose sole aim is to ‘bring joy to millions of children throughout the world’, for which you receive no financial consideration. That is certainly a worthy enterprise, however we can only stretch our limits of coverage so far when it comes to your unusual needs.
Specifically, your claim for repairs for the accident that occurred on the night of November 29th states that two inebriated ‘elf’ employees commandeered several reindeer and took the vehicle for a joyride without your permission, crashing it into a snowbank after shearing off the tops of several large fir trees. You state that the runners on your vehicle were bent beyond repair and need to be replaced, as do the “jingle bells” and steering mechanism (such vehicle modifications were not listed on your policy).
You also state that the antlers of two “reindeer” became entangled in the crash and require cosmetic reconstruction of $15,900 each to mend their disfigurement. We have been contacted by legal representatives for Prancer and Dancer, who are filing a claim for a considerable amount. In addition to the expense of cosmetic antler reconstruction, they’re filing a suit for pain and suffering due to the ridicule they’ve received from their fellow reindeer and elf co-workers, who are apparently quite cruel in their mockery. Perhaps you could mediate this situation with your employees.
Meanwhile, we are forthwith dispatching our North Pole claims representative, to your address at 100 Saint Nicholas Lane, Ho Ho Township, North Pole 00001 to inspect the vehicle. Please do not make any repairs until he arrives. As our attempts to locate your address on MapQuest and Google Earth have turned up nothing but a large iceberg populated with penguins and polar bears, please forward detailed directions to your location. As you may recall, last year one of our representatives was unable to find your address and spent several days in an abandoned igloo waiting for rescue. We hope to avoid a similar incident again.
We assume that the elves responsible for the damage have been terminated from your employment and suggest that for additional savings on your corporate policy, that you conduct regular drug and alcohol screenings for all of your employees. Please remember to keep your vehicle locked at all times so that it’s no longer accessible to unauthorized elfin drivers.
Due to these annually recurring reported claims, we will be increasing your ultra-short term insurance policy (one day a year) to $121,492.53. And while we have rejected similar claims every year in the past, we would like to remind you that you are still saving $140 over Esurance, and $95 over Statefarm.
P.S. Please fix your birth date as listed on the policy as it appears to have a large typographical error.
Jane Newyear
GEICO Claims Representative
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Friday, 28 December 2012
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LA Auto Show: Five Popular Cars Get Major Upgrades
The LA Auto Show premiere press days, Nov. 28 – 29, 2012. (LA Auto Show)
It’s auto show season, and the LA Auto Show, the first big American show that features new and redesigned models, had much to offer in the area of exciting, sporty, and conceptual new car designs. But the show was also a backdrop for some good old mass-market cars that saw some big changes for the better.
When an “old faithful†car model has major changes, two things happen. People either want the latest features enough to wait and pay a little more — or they go to the dealership and negotiate a lowball price for the outgoing model.
They may not be exciting, sporty, or sexy, but here (in alphabetical order) are five familiar mainstream models on display at the LA Auto Show that each received some significant next generation changes and are available to buy either now or very soon.
The 2013 Honda Civic Sedan (American Honda Motors)
2013 Honda Civic Sedan
The Honda Civic is known for consistency and re...
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Thursday, 27 December 2012
What supermarkets don’t want you to know
Discover the tricks supermarkets use to encourage you to spend more on your weekly shop.
Do you always seem to come away from the supermarket with a couple of items that weren’t on your shopping list or having spent more than you had intended when you walked into the store?
This probably isn’t an accident and, in fact, you may be doing exactly what the retailer expects of its customers.
With this in mind, we reveal five of the most common supermarket tricks.
Changing layouts
As well as being inconvenient for regular customers, changing the layout of a store is a ploy to encourage shoppers to spend more time searching for their items and probably spending more money.
While you’re traipsing through the aisles looking for a carton of semi-skimmed, you might be tempted to pick up a six-pack of your favourite lager.
Dynamic pricing
You might logically assume that supermarket chains have one price for every item that is applied across all of its stores. Unfortunately not…
Most supermarkets follow a practice known as ‘dynamic pricing’ in which they set prices according to regional trends. This means you’ll probably pay a higher price for your groceries if you live in a wealthy area than you would in other parts of the country.
The eyeline trick
Retailers often place their more expensive, branded items at customers’ eye level, while placing less costly alternatives on top and bottom shelves.
In order to boost their profits, supermarkets spend millions of pounds analysing shoppers’ behaviour and psychology. Based on this research, they know we’re much more likely to opt for items right in front of us than scour the shelves for a cheaper deal.
Dodgy price drops
Imagine you’re in a supermarket and see that an item that had been £6 has been reduced to £4.99. Clearly this is a bargain, right? Not necessarily.
Supermarkets often temporarily inflate the price of goods before putting them on ‘sale’. This way, they can advertise the new price against the previous, inflated price to give the appearance of an attractive saving.
This practice is perfectly legal. As long as the supermarket has charged the higher price for at least 28 days prior to the sale, retailers can market this as a price cut.
Does size matter?
Supermarkets are fond of telling us we’ll get better value if we buy our food in larger portions. You might therefore assume that a 1kg tub of butter will offer better value overall than a 500-gram tub.
However, it may work out cheaper to buy two smaller packs. In order to form an accurate comparison and find the most competitive deal, it’s worth comparing the price per 100 grams.
**This material is for information purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. We strongly encourage our readers not to rely solely on this content, but to seek independent advice when making financial decisions.**
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Few Tips That Could Save You A Fortune On Your Van Insurance Bill
The use of vans in businesses cannot be over-emphasized, hence, they play a pivotal role in the daily activities of every business. Irrespective of whatever services or business operations vans are used for, whether moving goods from one location to another or used for carrying building tools and machinery, all vans must be protected by an up to date van insurance policy.
Due to the expensive nature of certain insurance policies, a huge majority of small businesses now underinsure their vans in order to save money on their policies. Below are some few tips and tricks that will help you obtain that elusive cheap van insurance quotes you've been searching for.
If you're looking to renew the current policy or wanting to buy a new one, you can increase your chances of finding a cheaper premium by conducting research that would help you unveil the cheapest and best quote for you or your business. The net has changed the way we search for data and information on this basis offers ...
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Rates are subject to fluctuation throughout the day
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Monday, 24 December 2012
Holidaymakers throw away £8bn on missed flights
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FTA suggests new restrictions required to stop excessive tolling
The FTA has posited that the level of tolls for goods vehicles should be restricted as levels have risen too high, and are thus affecting how road users travel- not using certain areas of the road network.
This comes as Spaghetti Junction hits its 40th anniversary and, alongside the M6, is still the main transport route for many goods vehicles although it had been envisaged that the M6 Toll road would take some of the pressure away from this area. Tolls are said to be of a level which drivers deem too high and therefore avoid.
Perhaps the upshot of this statement could lead to reform in regard to tolling. Let us know what you think – are the road tolls to high in your opinion?
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Firm fined for safety failings
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Sunday, 23 December 2012
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According to the NHTSA Lower Traffic Fatalities Continues
The latest federal statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) were filled with good news for drivers, one of the key findings being that highway deaths in the year 2011 hit their lowest levels in over six decades.
Roadway fatalities dropped 1.9 percent last year continuing a downward trend that has resulted in a 26 percent decrease in overall traffic deaths since 2005. This has been welcome new to traffic and safety experts. The numbers were compiled from the federal Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) system using the most recent and updated information.
The NHTSA report brought other encouraging news. The FARS numbers show that fatalities related to drunk driving dropped roughly 2.5 percent when compared to 2010 numbers. Overall, 36 states saw decreases in their traffic death numbers during the past year.
Ray LaHood, the U.S. Transportation Secretary said in a recently released statement “As we look to the future, it will be more important than ever to build on this progress by continuing to tackle head-on issues like seat belt use, drunk driving and driver distraction.”
While most crash numbers were good news, crashes related to distraction were not as encouraging. While the NHTSA recorded a 7 percent drop in distraction related injuries in 2011, the number of people killed in crashes blamed on distracted driving went up 1.9 percent. The NHTSA said, “This increase can be attributed in part to increased awareness and reporting”. As government and state agencies have acknowledged the dangers of distracted driving, reporting of distraction based injuries and deaths has increased.
Technology Is Helping
This is just one of many reports and studies that the NHTSA released this year which emphasized the long term declines of deaths and injuries on American highways and roads. In June, a report from the NHTSA attributed the big drop in accidents resulting in injury and fatalities to the safer design of today’s car. Advances like anti-lock brakes and electronic stability control have helped keep new vehicles on the road and under control, even under extreme conditions. Electronic stability control was found to have seriously impacted the chance of being in a rollover accident, one of the most deadly types.
Experts have been debating what the implications of lower crash rates and improved technology will have on insurance rates. Research firm Celant released a report entitled “The End of Auto Insurance: What Happens When There Are (Almost) No Accidents” this year. It looked at the latest advances in safety technology and predicted that the cost of car insurance will drop dramatically over the coming decades as accidents almost disappear.
The NHTSA recently released the latest crash and fatality figures. It found that 2011 continued the downward trend in accident and fatality rates. While most categories dropped, deaths attributed to distracted driving ticked up. Technological advances in safety features are credited for much of the decline in accident rates.
According to the NHTSA Lower Traffic Fatalities Continues is a post from: Cheap Car Insurance News Blog
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Saturday, 22 December 2012
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What Are Deductibles?
Perhaps you’ve heard people say that one way to reduce your car insurance premiums is to increase your deductibles. But do you know what deductibles are? If not, we’ll explain them here. Needless to say, deductibles are part of the standard auto insurance policy everyone should be familiar with. They play an important role in how much we pay for our policies as well as how much we might potentially have to pay after an accident.
In the simplest terms possible, a deductible is the amount of money the customer is required to contribute in order to pay for repairs to a damaged vehicle. Deductibles apply in the case of collision and comprehensive insurance. So if you have a $500 deductible on your auto policy and you file a $5,000 claim after an accident, your insurance company will only pay $4,500. You will be responsible for the other $500.
It’s important to note that deductibles work on a “first pay” system. In other words, the customer pays the first $500 (or whatever the deductible is) and the insurance company picks up the rest. In some cases a repair shop may require customers to pay their portion before a vehicle will be released; others allow some time for the customer to pay his bill.
Why Deductibles Are Good
Deductibles can be looked at as a good thing for a couple of reasons. The first is the fact that they encourage consumers to shop around for repair estimates before choosing a garage; much the same way they shopped around for car insurance quotes before purchasing a policy.
They aren’t shopping around for the best price, mind you; they’re shopping around for the best quality. As long as it’s going to cost them $500 out of pocket they want a garage that will do the repair the right way. Even though it might cost more the insurance company a little bit more, there’s less of a risk that the consumer will come back with another claim because the first repair wasn’t done correctly.
Deductibles are also good in the sense that they encourage drivers to be more careful behind the wheel. With a significant deductible hanging over their heads they are more likely to drive safely and avoid accidents. That’s good for the individual driver, his car insurance company, and for everyone else on the road.
Why Deductibles Are Bad
Deductibles can be looked at as a bad thing from the perspective of insurance fraud. Unfortunately, garage owners and operators have figured out they can make customers happy by inflating repair estimates to cover their deductibles. In cases where an insurance company makes payments to the customer rather than the repair shop, this type of fraud is very easy to perpetrate. In cases where the insurance company pays the repair shop, it requires a little bit more cooperation between the shop and the customer.
It must be said that the vast majority of repair shops are going to be honest when it comes to estimates and deductibles. But the consumer needs to be aware of the possibility of fraud and make sure he’s not a participant or contributor. Insurance fraud accounts for millions of dollars in car insurance company payouts every year. Drivers who participate are only raising the rates for everyone.
Now that you know a little bit about deductibles you are better prepared to compare car insurance quotes. You can get lower rates if you’re willing to accept higher deductibles in exchange. On the other hand, you might be willing to pay a little more to avoid them.
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Friday, 21 December 2012
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ITC Releases TurboRater in New Mexico
Carrollton, Texas (PRWEB) December 04, 2012
Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced today the release of automated insurance rating information for automobile insurance to TurboRater, its comparative insurance rating system, in New Mexico.
TurboRater automates the process of producing an insurance quote helping agents fulfill customer demands instantly and accurately through a single system. Once an agent enters the data, the quote information is electronically submitted to carriers who in turn calculate and return the rate. In addition to reducing the risk of typos and inconsistent entries, TurboRater saves agents time as they consult only one screen to compare all carrier premium quotes, which also allows them to tweak the quotes with just one data entry point.
There has been demand in New Mexico for our comparative insurance rater, and were excited to add New Mexico to the list of states where TurboRater is available, said AnMarie Bozick, CIC, comparative rating product manager at ITC. TurboRater is the fastest home and auto insurance rating software in the United States with an average of four seconds to return the rates of multiple carriers.
TurboRater is available in 15 states: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.
About ITC
Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), founded in 1983, is a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services to the insurance industry, including independent agents and insurance carriers. Headquartered in Carrollton, Texas, ITC helps its customers across the United States grow their businesses and become more efficient through the philosophy of providing quality software and services. Currently, ITC serves more than 100 insurance companies and more than 5,000 agencies. For more information, visit
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Wednesday, 19 December 2012
LSE cuts offer price for LCH.Clearnet by a third
LONDON (Reuters) - The London Stock Exchange has cut its offer for LCH.Clearnet by almost a third to 312 million euros (254.2 million pounds), to reflect rising capital requirements, sources familiar with ...
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Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Saving Money On Your Temporary Van Insurance Premium
You could need a short term van insurance coverage that ranges from 1 day van insurance coverage to 28 days van insurance policy if your van usage is meant for short term use only. Another fantastic way to save on your premiums is the choice to choose whether or not you need a business cover or just a personal cover. So, why spend money for a protection plan that covers you all year when you only need coverage for a short while?
You can certainly save a huge amount of money once you go along with personal van insurance for forty eight hours Get up to 36 quotes here-
Specifically Tailored For Businesses in Need of Short Term Van Insurance Cover
Business owners often look for van insurance coverage without actually knowing how much money they could save on short term van insurance coverage when they use their van on very short periods. Keeping a van insured all year round can be expensive especially when you do not use it all the time, but when you choose a temporary van insurance, you're guaranteed to save money instead of paying for a policy that you do not need.
Suitable for Short Breaks and Vacations with Family Members
You'll discover that having private van insurance is an ideal solution for your short term use of your van on vacations and holidays with your loved ones and close friends as well. While you may never use your van on a day to day basis, if you are going on a vacation, you may want to take a van since it has more room in it. However, if this scenario is true then there is no doubt you will not be needing an insurance policy of some sort. So a short term van insurance cover would be ideal for you.
Try not to go on your vacation without adequate van insurance cover that will protect you while you're gone.
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You'll also come across that private van insurance for 48 hours is simple and fast to have. Within a few minutes you can easily receive the policy you need online or on the web, In concluding, if you have a van you seldom make use of throughout the year, then you will need to buy a short-term van insurance policy that should cover you for the period. You can also obtain one day van insurance up to 28 days van insurance cover here-
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Sunday, 16 December 2012
How to Get Cheap Short Term Car Insurance
Cheap short-term car insurance is a great option for people who are borrowing a car temporarily, putting an old car back on the road for short-term use, or using a vehicle for seasonal use only. And despite what you might think, getting one of these policies is fairly simple. Just follow the steps we’ve outlined below and you’ll be on the road in no time.
1. Check Registration and Insurance Regulations in Your State
If you’re using a vehicle you own you’ll be able to register and insure it under your own name as normal. But if you’re borrowing a car or using a rental, things might be different. For example, in New York State a vehicle can be registered by someone other than its owner. But the law states that the registrant and the insured must be the same person. If you’re using a temporary insurance policy in New York your name must be on both the insurance policy and the registration.
If you’re using a rental, insurance and registration requi...
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Turn your hobby into a second income
From eating free meals in restaurants to buying alcohol, we reveal six ways you could make extra money in your spare time.
Think of a typical weekend. How do you spend your free time apart from watching TV and having one too many beers?
If you have a particular hobby or interest, you might not realise you could use this activity to supplement your income. We show you how.
1. Web design
Tech wizards could put their expertise to use by designing and building websites for small businesses and start-ups.
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Many retailers employ mystery shoppers to review the quality of service in their branches – something that will probably come naturally if you hit the shops most weekends.
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Airmax joins forces with the Royal British Legion
The Airmax telematics and remote vehicle diagnostics system is to be installed in all Royal British Legion vans as a part of the charity’s ‘Poppy Calls’ service fleet.
The Ford Transit vans are an essential part of helping the British Legion get to its members across the UK who need help with household repairs and installation. The system means the Legion can be informed about unsafe driving within the fleet, regarding such things as acceleration, braking and high speeds.
A spokesman for the Royal British Legion said;
‘Our prime motivator has always been to improve the levels of service that we can deliver to our members in need. The fact that we can now monitor driving style will allow us to detect unsafe driving practise and offer additional driver training where needed.’
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Saturday, 15 December 2012
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Commercial van insurance for every business owners
The objective of a commercial van insurance cover is for the protection of your van with any content that may be included inside, it also covers your business against any eventualities that may occur in future. However, they usually do not come cheap thats why most prudent businesses set out for cheap van insurance policies to cut overhead.
Drastically reducing your outgoings to a minimum is a viable means for running a more lucrative business, this also includes shopping around for the best quality van insurance policy for your business vehicles that won't cost you an arm and a leg..Getting the cheapest insurance can save you money at the beginning but on the long run you could end up loosing a great deal due to the type of policy you purchased. So it's good to always be thorough when looking for the most appropriate insurance for your business otherwise yoo could end up loosing out on the best policy for your business.
There are various insurance policies out there, but the specific cover that you require could depend on various factors and criteria for you to obtain. Such factors might include the capacity of the van, age and model, period of cover and much more.Most insurance providers will certainly provide you with insurance coverage designed for private, sole trader as well as company van use along with with different grades of protection.Full comprehensive cover, third party fire and theft and third party only cover are the major insurance cover that all major insurance companies provide on a regular basis.
The fully comprehensive insurance coverage is for the protection of every eventualities perhaps that why it's the most cumbersome and most expensive policy you can buy. Comprehensive cover protects against liability for accidental deaths of any individual involved in an accident, covers against injuries sustained and also covers against damage to properties of any party.Comprehensive van insurance also covers against any damage to both you and the third party's vehicle after an accident, protects against theft, burglary, vandalism and also entitles you to a free van when your vehicle is off the road for repairs.Always make sure that if you're going to be living tools and other contents in your van, they must be covered under your policy against theft.
On the other hand, third party fire and theft policy cover would protect against any liability caused by any third party that includes vandalism, fire, theft , any accidents and of course burglary of your van.Third party fire and theft covers unlike comprehensive policy does not honour a claim if the third party to the accident isn't insured at the time of the collision.The last and final insurance cover is the third party commercial cover. Often the least expensive out of the entire three policies and also very basic or simple cover, it protects your van against damages caused to a third party only. It's so unfortunate to note that your business van cannot be covered by this policy due to it's short comings compared to more extensive policies like comprehensive and third party fire and theft cover.
However, if you're involved in a collision, you would have to pay the repair cost of the third party motorists.To fulfill your legal obligation of being legal on the road you can get a van that's worth next to nothing and take out a third party cover only . This will save you money on the long run and ensure you remain legally insured on the road. No matter how much you use your van, you can also customize it with additional add on on offer by commercial van insurance firms. Add ons like ability to drive other vans, being able to drive in other countries whilst being covered, being protected up to your legal expenses all come very handy in the course of your business operations.
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Friday, 14 December 2012
How to Get Cheap Short Term Car Insurance
Cheap short-term car insurance is a great option for people who are borrowing a car temporarily, putting an old car back on the road for short-term use, or using a vehicle for seasonal use only. And despite what you might think, getting one of these policies is fairly simple. Just follow the steps we’ve outlined below and you’ll be on the road in no time.
1. Check Registration and Insurance Regulations in Your State
If you’re using a vehicle you own you’ll be able to register and insure it under your own name as normal. But if you’re borrowing a car or using a rental, things might be different. For example, in New York State a vehicle can be registered by someone other than its owner. But the law states that the registrant and the insured must be the same person. If you’re using a temporary insurance policy in New York your name must be on both the insurance policy and the registration.
If you’re using a rental, insurance and registration requi...
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Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Problems Of A Good Van Insurance Discount- Things To Refrain From Doing
Cheap van insurance is a chief instance on this. In writing, it is an easy process, however you need to be wary of potential issues, similar to spending above the odds or even having the flawed sort of policy totally. Consequently to help you avoid any such likely stumbling blocks, here is a information to 5 of the most typical pitfalls that individuals come up with when buying or renewing their van insurance coverage policy.
1. Providing Incorrect Data.
Vans are usually designed as multi-purpose vehicles. Therefore the actual insurance that protect them must provide account considering all of these likely functions. This may give a a number of difficulty to the applying course of and should even lead to unnecessary issues being prepared in the info a person present.
For instance, should you fail to call an everyday driver of your vehicle or perhaps declare that it is used for a purpose when it's truly used for another, this will cause major matters. Bearing in mind that insurance coverage is a authorized requirement, in case your coverage is undoubtedly invalidated through mere inaccuracies, it's possible you'll experience more considerable issues compared with simply discovering it slightly difficult to make a successful compensation claim.
2. Never Checking Your actual Cover Before Restoring It.
A 12 months period is usually a very long time within the lifetime of a vehicle and a corporation. Various matters can modify during this era, a few of which may need to be reflected within your insurance coverage. Lack of ability in order to correctly replace the particulars might lead to lots of the problems featured in the earlier part. Whilst an inexpensive offer may be just what you are after, in the end you need to possess vehicle insurance that can truly provide you with the cover you desire.
Subsequently be sure you spend time to assessment your current renewal request consider this as a chance to create just about any necessary modifications simply whether it is just a trivial modification as part of your expected twelve-monthly mileage or adding a new individual. Use your current coverage as a sign after which make modifications to accommodate. Modifying it throughout the time of your policy can end up costing you a typical payment each occasion, therefore it is price doing it whenever you will have the opportunity.
3. Not Bothered To Take A Look At the Quotations Of Other Insurers.
Whilst you could be glad together with your current insurance firm and have received a decent offer for your new policy, which can in no way mean that it will possibly definitely not possibly be improved upon somewhere else. Get on-line and investigate. Use your same particulars along with a variety of van insurers and determine everything that is offered for your needs plus pick out where savings might be generated without the need to lower your stage of cover.
It is easy to undertake, and because of the Internet, it is amazingly reachable as well as quick as well. So there is absolutely no excuse for paying extra for a similar policy by way of ignorance.
4. Assuming They Are Of Similar Quotations Together With Other Insurance Organizations.
Certainly, there are apparent same things amongst the two forms of cover; however, there are additionally an identical quantity of variations that will mark them apart. For those who usually are not necessarily cautious you possibly can skip essential knowledge (once more, as specified within the first part) or even depart yourself seriously under protected. Perceive your main car, actually is used for, where it is actually kept as well as whom might be utilizing it. Only by finding these right would you have a coverage that really gives the coverage required.
5. Buying Excess Amounts Or Too little Advised Add On.
For those who panicking that you simply had not implemented the correct particulars or maybe exaggerated the extent of cover that you wanted, you are way more likely to fork out greater than is actually strictly obligatory on your insurance cover. In the event you hadn't applied beforehand, consult any individual that has to obtain advice and even get in touch the insurance organisation for them to guide you through the appropriate procedure. A telephone query is usually a great way to question issues while you actually go alongside, so long as you have all the knowledge handy obviously.
Provided you're absolutely serious pertaining to discovering the perfect achievable cheap van insurance offer then you should just keep clear of these kind of obstacles. On the grounds that these tendencies are sure to discourage you from your preferred target- to save funds with your van insurance rates. Presently there are alternative effective selections to adopt any time you are wanting for alternatives to pay off a much lower van insurance insurance rate- 6 month van insurance, less expensive van insurance quotes and also cheapest car insurance quotes as well as many other van insurance comparison techniques.
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